Vulgar Pigeons - Imperialism

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Vulgar Pigeons - Imperialism
Willowtip Records – WT-029 – 2004
By Nathan Pearce


Oh yes! Grindcore with great songwriting, extreme hatred, and an awesome, abrasive mastering job, thanks to Agoraphobic Nosebleed’s Scott Hull. Vulgar Pigeons thrashes when they need to and grinds the rest of the time. Combined with a healthy dose of death metal songwriting sensibility, Imperialism is one of the best grindcore albums in recent years.

Songs are generally under control in the speed department. Think of Napalm Death as opposed to Agoraphobic Nosebleed. Songs are typically much more complex than the simple blasting and riffing of some of the more boring grind bands of late. Imperialism is full of twists and turns in the tempo department, but I never lose track of which song I’m listening to, which is often the problem with so many tempo changes. Vulgar Pigeons scores high points with me simply because they know when to blast and when to back off and thrash, sort of like Nasum . . . only nastier.

Vulgar Pigeons incorporates two distinct vocal styles. The main style is a violent yelling similar to Agoraphobic Nosebleed, and there is often a second vocalist doing the really low burping thing in the background. I’ve never figured out the point to this type of vocals, but I’m admittedly not an expert on grind.

For a grindcore album Imperialism is top notch in all aspects. Great songs are a rarity in grindcore, and Vulgar Pigeons should be commended for their ability to be both violent and sophisticated. Imperialism is a GREAT extreme metal album that both brutal death fans and grind fans should love like a stuffed Lucifer doll.


Vulgar Pigeons’ Official Website
Willowtip Records’ Official Website