

Old Fart
Sep 12, 2007
Ok. Some know I am recovering from surgery, so I cant do alot. But I managed to redo the main vocals on the cover of The Offspring tune Vultures. I did this awhile back and it sucked real bad. Now it just sucks. Give a listen and blast me on the vocals. I dont know why I tried something so damn high. I guess because I like the music. Its time to relax. My freakin neck is thumpin. Its on my soundclick site. Link below
Yeah, the vocals need some work. Weird vibe on the drums dude.... maybe a touch too over-processed?

I'd recommend spending a couple of weeks with the video "The Zen of Screaming" & give the vox another shot.
Yea the drums were processed alot. I was experimenting, trying to get that 80's loud as shit style drums. I record stuff for my own enjoyment (hobby) and never tried singing until this year. Should have heard the earlier stuff !!!!!!! One would never guess there would be a video called the "The Zen of Screaming". I will definately look it up. My son and future son in law (when he gets out of the service) are into real heavy metal and are planning on putting a band together. That video will definately help them and me. I went to your site OzNimbus and you have some really cool tunes. Im not into the really hard screaming moments but thats the style my kids like. Guess Im just too old. Thanks for the listen. I just need to stay away from trying to sing songs out of my limited range. By the way which way did you end up micing your overheads? I found the sae style (seperate non xy style) gave me the best sound.