W.A.S.P - Dying For The World


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
W.A.S.P - Dying For The World
Metal Is/Sanctuary - 2002

By Mark Bridgeman

Blackie Lawless has never been one to make a point subtley, and it came as no surprise that he would use this, W.A.S.P.'s latest LP (and second for Sanctuary's Metal-Is label), as a soap box for some September 11-inspired venom. Not that the entire album is based on this, but it IS one angry collection of music. Read his 2-page introduction to the album (almost as intriguing and, dare-I-add, entertaining as the music inside) and you will catch his drift. He's pissed off.

The music shows this, as do the lyrics. But to put aside the content and, instead, concentrate on the actual performances from Lawless and Co., 'Dying For The World' is as close to A-Grade material as they've put out since 'Headless Children'. Lawless's voice is on top form, and the band he's assembled (no longer including Chris Holmes) is tight, together, and heavy.
Opener 'Shadow Man' is classic W.A.S.P., but it's the following track, 'My Wicked Heart', which has his emotions bared raw and the band going at it guns a-blazin'. 'Hell For Eternity', on the other hand, is cliched lyrics (example: 'yeah I'm a killer, Oh I'm a thriller, I'm Godzilla with a gun') and chugging metal riffage.

And so it goes, emotion pouring out on some tracks, and others geared up for an arse kicking. Of particular note is his ode to his Cherokee heritage with 'Trail Of Tears'. The benefit of a vocalist who honestly doesn't give a shit is that he's more than willing to wear his heart on his sleeve, and lay his emotions out in not only the words, but also his performance. Lawless does this without hesitation, and it's what makes this W.A.S.P. album special.

Many would claim the band's last days were in the 80s, but they'd be wrong. Although they were banded in with the whole 'hair band' era (although they were also precursors to the 'shock' metal movement's resurgence), they've stuck to their guns and shown they're a band that shouldn't be pigeon holed.

If you like W.A.S.P., then you'll love this album. If you LOVE W.A.S.P., and don't already have 'Dying For The World', go and buy it now. You'll shit yourself with joy.
I agree the album is great, nearly their best, but why no chris?
hmm no chris but the album is nearly their best... i truelly wonder why no chris? :)
totally agree. Very, very good album, although I preferred Unholy Terror just a bit more. Still ranks right up there with Headless, Crimson and Unholy Terror. Really, Blackie can assemble just about any group together and not lose his sound. Kinda like Lemmy. Doesn't matter who's in the band, you know who it is as soon as the music starts.
I have listned to this group from their first album to this. I am now 34 and I have to admit that I thought WASP'S best days were long gone. Remember the Party Ninja's concert in Santa Monica in the early 90's? That was W.A.S.P. in the very top of their game and it appears to me----They're BACK!!!! I can't believe how great this album truly is, I only bought it to complete my collection--I am a true fan, yet I really didn't expect much. I only wish they would hurry up and tour!! How can they not tour this Album? I truly think this is their Best Album Ever!!!! Blackie and RJD are truly timeless--Thanks Guys. Also a big THANK'S to Chris H. for all the blood, sweat and tears--no matter what problems you have, you will be remembered for a true artist with the guitar-one of the greats!!! May the TORTURE NEVER STOP!!!!
Blackie says Chris left the band because he's getting more into playing the blues (!?!) but they're still friends. So who knows? If Chris's liver can keep hanging in there, he might be back someday!
Dennis-August 9th,2002/01:18 Am

W.A.S.P. is the most underated band in the history of heavy metal
hard rock music.They without a dout have the most thunderous
kick ass music in the world. When I bought "Dying For The World"
and I heard the first few seconds of the cd I knew it would rock!
Its proably the best album they done since "HEADLESS".
If you do not have this album "GET IT"!... W.A.S.P. RULES!!!
I have been a fan of W.A.S.P. since the first time I heard "Beast"
I have every song that I can find on the band and I too agree with alot of people who say that Blackie is underated. I have seen over 100 bands in concert but I have never had the privledge of seeing W.A.S.P. They have never toured in my area. I am hoping that I will be able to see them this year on their next tour. The new disc is great!!!!
Why have Stet Howland leave the band????
Why don´t WASP have another produced like Michael Wagener,Bob Rock,Flemming Rasmussen?
I wanna know if Blackie and the band have contact with the old members like Tony,Steve Riley,Randy Piper,Johnny Rod and Chris Holmes are they friends.
the best wasp record is kfd. Blackie will tell you. What's wrong with you people. Couldn't handle it?
DFTW and UnHoly Terror best stuff WASPS put out since Crimson...all their stuff is good....these two albums are just better...As for Chris Holmes....go to WASP NATION its all there why he left....
Blackie and the boys have been putting out some killer albums in their last three releases. however, when they tour they barely play any of their latest stuff. i've been to their last three tours, and they've always played the same songs (+/- 2). Blackie, I don't even care if you don't play 'animal,' please just play DIFFERENT songs, old or new!
I have to admit, Since kfd and double live assasins came out, WASP has me hooked again I have a fan been since the last command days, Hell they even convinced me to start playing guitar again, Bass gets boring,Any how, Have any of you guys or gals know when there DVD with all videos is coming out, I have heard lots of talk about it but nothing yet
I agree with the guy above who thinks KFD is the best album. Talk about some imagery in lyrics! No strange coincidence, either, that the live album from that tour was amazingly great too! DFTW is good, but KFD is the best one, in my opinion....
KFD is indeed the best W.A.S.P. album.
Crimson, Headless and DFTW is great albums but the pure hate and anger on KFD is unbeatable. And for those who couldn't really take those songs in, just listen to the live album, then you will hear that its just the same old WASP. 3 chord rock with AWESOME lyrics. And to that Blackie added a great production on KFD. Salute!
Although i´ve been missing the old songs style in each of the last albums from W.a.s.p. (since the crimson idol) i find this new album a step in the right way (again). I only miss a little better production in the next one, their sound would gain a lot of points.It`s the only fault i find in this record, its production, but sincerelly, i really enjoy it : i real spanish fan
come on , are you guys all dead? Chris left cause he hated Blackie, he told me they hated each other in 99. Blackie is the king but we have to see through what he says after all the man is trying to keep his fans, know what i mean?
Happy christmas