W I D E G U I T A R S :)


Dec 29, 2013
Hey ! I have hard times on mixing guitars. Especialy make them wide , for now I mostly mix raw steems that I find on this forum. What I like to do is using the same amp for each guitars (l/R) but changing the eq setting on this each side ( mor high on the right gtr and more mid on the left for exemple) then I add a eq an boost even more the high or the mid depending on wich guitat it is ( eq carving ) it sounds wide but nor powerful, they are thin and lifeless. I dont like to use stereo enhencer such as izotope imager , it kills the mix.

Please help me :)
Less processing is generally better on guitars. Maybe skip the EQ boost, and just filter them.

I've heard using a stereo enhancer on just the high mids helps to make them sound wider, but it's not something I've tried out yet (though I intend to).
Have different parts being played on each side.