w00t! First label-supplied box of demos is here!

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
25 pounds of demo CDs... lots of fodder for the Introducing feature.

My cat loves the box.

I will be able to exeperience the real underground, and probably vomit.

w00t, I say again, w00t!

Hopefully I will get a couple more labels to clean out their closets for me. :D
Lee_B said:
I'll see what I can do. To go and get the demos means a 60 mile round trip for me.

It's a shame you didn't ask two weeks back. I had a couple of hundred at home then.

The label's been gone a couple months, it didn't occur to me to ask out of the blue id you'd still have a bunch of unwanted stuff lying around... it took you popping up again for me to do that.

May I suggest your next PO Box be a tad closer to home... :D
Jim LotFP said:
May I suggest your next PO Box be a tad closer to home... :D

hehe. I was too cheap to pay for mail redirection when I moved house. I was only ever getting crummy demos anyway, though there was a time when I missed an old friend's wedding because he sent it to my PO Box and I hadn't seen the invite until a week after the event. Oh well :)
Lee_B said:
hehe. I was too cheap to pay for mail redirection when I moved house. I was only ever getting crummy demos anyway, though there was a time when I missed an old friend's wedding because he sent it to my PO Box and I hadn't seen the invite until a week after the event. Oh well :)

Two words:


It is disturbing how many bands don't put information about themselves on the packaging of the CDs, or the CDs themselves.

It's annoying how many of these things give no indication of what year they sent these things out. A lot of these things are from as far back as 2002 and so I should figure out what year all these unmarked things are from...

wwooooooo a lot of stuff.
I've become an expert in this type of thing over the years. I can usually tell where a band comes from purely by looking at what's in the package (without looking at the stamp, obviously:))


British bands are usually the worst. A CDR with no artwork, maybe a hastily thrown together bio if you're lucky. Maybe a pic taken by the band's uncle (he's got a camera, so he qualifies..). Terrible production. Probably sub-Metallica shite or stoner nonsense.

Russian bands always wrap their stuff in brown paper tied with string. Always a hand written note inside (good manners, these Ivans)

Finn bands tend to go for a very pro look all around. Good production, photography, artwork is usually there from the very start.

US bands send photcopies of every single piece of press they ever got, usually in a custom presentation folder that must cost a fortune to produce and mail. US bands also like those old-school promo pics, with the logo and contact details printed on there too.

Italian bands tend to have no shame when it comes to dressing like an ass. Most favour the heavily made-up "futuristic" approach, meaning they inevitably end up looking like a cross between Mad Max extras and the Village People.
Lee_B said:
Italian bands tend to have no shame when it comes to dressing like an ass. Most favour the heavily made-up "futuristic" approach, meaning they inevitably end up looking like a cross between Mad Max extras and the Village People.


An Italian label sent this bad boy. ay ay ay. Why do I not believe demo bands are paying for all this artwork-I've-seen-before on their covers? :p
I joke because some of these demos truly are awful and embarrassing... but there are some good CDs in this pile.

I have 40 bands I'm sending interviews to immediately... and maybe a hundred more that I will either send interviews to or follow-up with in some way.

This is frickin' awesome. I need to find more labels to get friendly with because I must get more packages like this. I think it is going to be good for both the LotFP site and for any band that takes the time to get involved.
The two names that stand out immediately are Fucktory-X and...

... this is the best...


Hi Jim, I'm Marco, the guitarist and songwriter of Steel Seal. I just noticed this post of yours of almost a year ago: thanks for your kind words but... could you tell me how did you get our promo CD in Finland? I couldn't remember we had shipped one there... Greetings! :kickass:
Hi Jim, I'm Marco, the guitarist and songwriter of Steel Seal. I just noticed this post of yours of almost a year ago: thanks for your kind words but... could you tell me how did you get our promo CD in Finland? I couldn't remember we had shipped one there... Greetings! :kickass:

For awhile there I was bugging labels to send me the big stacks of demos they had sitting around that they weren't going to act on... one took me up on it and I went through them and sent a few dozen "introducing" interviews out to some of the bands. This was six months before I had "reactivated" the print edition of LotFP and long before I decided that such bands were going to be the focus for an issue... (and maybe forevermore, The Shameless was fun)...
Thanks, Jim, everything is clear now. Anyway, at present we have our official debut album out with the great DC Cooper at vocals, just listen to it and I'm sure that you will like it even more than the demo! Rock on! :headbang: