my first interview,see it here first!

since this zine is in peru and i doubt most of you will ever travel to peru to pick up metal zines i thought i would post it here for you to read!
let me know what ya think!

Answers: Wes Jaques

1. First of all, Wes please tell us how so you decided to start this Radio online project? when it came to your mind and let me know if you have been involved in other metal activities before RAPTURE?
For 3 years I was the head of the American office for the German based webzine "The Metal Observer". I was excluding the owner of the zine the highest contributor to the zine for reviews interviews, articles and so on and made a lot of contacts in the 3 years while I was there and it even afforded me a trip to Germany to go to the Wacken festival in 2003. After 3 years with the metal observer watching it go from a literally unknown zine into one of the biggest e-zines in the world it became way to politically correct for me so after a fued with the owner and some of the writers I left . I did radio for the metal observer and when I left the metal observer I actually wanted out of the scene all together I just wanted to be a fan who went to shows and listened to music that I loved, but after about a month it just hit me one day I really fucking dug the radio thing and that was when rapture was born.

2. OK Wes, now tell us which other persons conform the staff from RAPTURE RADIO and what can you tell us about these respectable girl called CINDY, who through a long quantity of years has became as a huge metalfan?
Rapture is comprised of 4 people myself, Vanessa (my fiancee), Arch (webdesigner) and the amazing Cindy Gilkey. Cindy is actually someone who contacted me right after I started with the metal observer because she liked my writing style. Cindy is the professional tactful side of me and for 3 years has been my strongest partner, she is the coolest woman on earth she through the years has become quite the avid metal fan, when I met her she was only into like 3 bands but now is a complete metal freak, but most importantly keeps me and my ego/anger at bay, she always questions when I tell someone to break a foot off in their ass and sometimes (not often) is correct in making me feel like an ass.

3. How many years are RAPTURE existing and why reason you choice that name? what the symbol represents?
Well Rapture is actually only 5 months old but with a huge future ahead. If by the symbol you mean the ball with horns, we call it the "diablo globe". When we started to design the site etc.. I made it very clear this was not to look like a "metal" site no skulls no pentagrams no upside down crosses etc.... its not that I have anything against any of those things I mean I have a baphomet tattooed on my leg that reads "in satan we trust" I am a satanist but I wanted rapture to look different from everyone else. The new logo is actually a work in progress, we are going to utilize the play button symbol with a radio tower in it but once again no bloody pentagrams just a cool logo as for why we left the diablo globe, the globe will always remain our true logo however we found out It was being used by another company and we didnt want to get our balls sued off.

4. And now, tell us how the things are going with the radio? Successful?? How many listeners you got a day?? From which country mostly ??
Well we average around 25 streams a day and with an average listening time of 10 hours a day, its not groundbreaking but being as how we are from out of nowhere and unknown I feel as if we are making quite a showing out there. as of this time the United States is smoking everyone ass for listening hours and we have people listening from every corner of the globe. We have some people listening in Peru, I am asking for all Peruvian babes to send me nude photo's of themselves I guess we will see if I get any! It is actually my goal with rapture to get famous enough to pund kim goss analy while she pleasures Britney Spears to ograsim oraly, but until then we remain a small but growing station.

5. And now please tell us about new bands sending stuff for you radio, have you discovered some new talents?
Well yeah dude the response from the underground bands has been great I have received a lot of demos! As far as talent goes I have not heavily listened to a lot of the bands I have received based on the pure amount of it all.

6. Let me know if you count with some sponsorships ? How is he way you finance the radio station?
Well the station is self financed for sure and as for sponsorships my good friend Andreas from THE END Records supplies me with a small amount of promo material as well as Contest prices for the station. He is hands down the coolest mother fucker on earth. I cannot prove it but I am pretty sure that when I left the metal observer they contacted all of my American contacts and told them never to deal with me again so therefore when I was used to getting 25 cd's a month it dropped to zero instantly but some labels are starting to hear I am back in business and they are coming around to send promotional material. I just received a package from a label out of Denmark yesterday.

7. What about the stuff I sent you? when it would be putted in your playlist?
I do updates every sunday and all of the stuff I have received that has not made into rotation will go up this sunday, rotation is actually much trickier than you might think. The software used at my station tells you which songs people like and dont like so I keep a close eye on it so the music being played is being enjoyed 'if I out something on and people dont like it I pull it off.

8. What other projects do you have in mind? how far do you hope to reach with RAPTURE? main goals?
Well at some point maybe a distro or something I want to take it as far as it will go, the real goal behind rapture for me is very simple, I am a nobody from nowhere with nothing, I will always be a none and I like it that way, I got blacklisted from the metal scene for saying what I felt and meaning it honesty is not appreciated by people. People want to be fed processed garbage and if that means saying everything rules and is the greatest thats what labels/zines/even friends will tell them just so they can have a smoothe relationship, Rapture is about saying things like they are if something sucks I am gonna say it if Kim Goss is a fat bitch I am gonna call her a fat bitch! Rapture stands for those who are nobodys like we are realizing saying things and living life the way it should be lived
are successful no matter what! Will rapture ever be number 1 no way the big labels and radio market will not let it happen because we are true to the purest form! Would a million dollars and fame be nice? Would getting head 24 hours a day by hot chicks rule? Yes but fact is we work jobs pay bills take shits and have children to take care of just like everyone else. Main goal to be known for those reasons.

9. Your latest words for all Peruvian listeners.
Well thanks to anyone in Peru who is listening of course stand up and be heard dont let your parents/teachers/government or anyone hold you down! keep listening to Rapture and make sure if you are a hot ass chicka send me naughty photo's keep it sick!