I'm curious if there's any amateur astronomers on this board. I find nothing more relaxing after a long day of screaming at drummers, than to head outside, set up my telescope and realize just how insignificant we are in the grand scope of things.
Fortunately, I'm located a fair distance from the nearest city, so I have a 'decent' night sky. Nothing spectacular, but our nearest national park just implemented a lights out policy, so I'll be checking that out real soon.
Anyway, here's my first lame attempt at astrophotography.... This was shot using my shitty 2 megapixel fuji, using the "pray & click" method. Hell, I didn't even have a mount for it.. I held the camera by hand!
Fortunately, I'm located a fair distance from the nearest city, so I have a 'decent' night sky. Nothing spectacular, but our nearest national park just implemented a lights out policy, so I'll be checking that out real soon.
Anyway, here's my first lame attempt at astrophotography.... This was shot using my shitty 2 megapixel fuji, using the "pray & click" method. Hell, I didn't even have a mount for it.. I held the camera by hand!