WACKEN 2009 - Who's goin'?


I've been wanting to visit Germany and attend Wacken since my early 20's and I have yet to make it happen, until now. Considering that I will turn 29 next summer (Whoa is me!), I have decided that I want to see WACKEN before I hit 30. And so, I'm goin'!

Anyone else?

DG - w/

Ah, I want to go soo bad. My drummer went last year and is also going this year with his dad, remember Andrew Chalmers who won one of the Woods picture frames, thats him.
I was there from 99 to 07, don´t think I´m going again unless they cut down on the number of tickets. 07 was insane, 70.000 people are way too many. The facilities are pretty much the same as back when there were 30-40.000 people there.

If I can find someone who wants to come along, I´ll be going to Brutal Assault instead. I was there last year and it was great! 7000 people, tickets cost approx $50, and ½ a litre of great czech beer cost $1.50....
I believe that there are better festivals out there (in terms of enjoying the metal fest experience = less crowds, fewer hassles, more beer, more fun, etc...). Mark Coatsworth always used to tell me "Don't go to Wacken, there are way better festivals" etc... But considering that the big W is the biggest, that's where I find it most logical for me to start, and get it out of the way. Been there, done that, now let's see what else there is! etc...
I believe that there are better festivals out there (in terms of enjoying the metal fest experience = less crowds, fewer hassles, more beer, more fun, etc...). Mark Coatsworth always used to tell me "Don't go to Wacken, there are way better festivals" etc... But considering that the big W is the biggest, that's where I find it most logical for me to start, and get it out of the way. Been there, done that, now let's see what else there is! etc...

Of course, like a muslim needs to go to Mekka at least once in their lifetime, a metal head needs to go to Wacken. :heh:

Btw., I think Brutal Assault is the week after Wacken. You could take a few days in Prague in between....:kickass:

EDIT: Check out the line up from this year´s Brutal Assault: http://brutalassault.cz/en/ (where I couldn´t be because of some fucking war :( )
I was in Graspop 04 in Belgium, and it was pretty awesome - IMO, the lineup that year was better than Wacken, and there were about 20-30,000 people, so it definately had that European "festival" feel. But I haven't heard too many good things of Wacken, especially in the last couple of years.
It's become so big, it's a hassle. Though Graspop for the last couple of years hasn't been as good line-up wise, and I don't know if they've gotten bigger as well (though I imagine they have), so I definately recommend Graspop (obviously, depending on the lineup).