Wacken - HOLY SHIT!!

I went last year ... it was pretty wild. I think there were around 60,000 in attendance .. it was packed. Get VIP passes if you can swing them .. clean toilets, and more perks than the regular ticket holders get with a nice little retreat area. I didn't do the camping bit, but I do think that could be pretty fun depending on whether you like roughing it. We had a rental car, and went the 15 miles or so back and forth each day from Itzehoe.

It's hard to get a good spot for most of the bands, but the sound system is great, and sounds awesome from way, way, away. I did a picture blog below in which I tried to capture the whole experience .. it might be worth your time to look at it if your interested in going.

Next year I might hit Metal Camp .. depending on the lineup.



So how does one get a VIP pass at Wacken?
So how does one get a VIP pass at Wacken?
Get affiliated with a webzine, and either write reviews of the fest, do interviews, take pictures, or do a photo blog. You have to work for it a little bit, but it was worth it in the end. There's info on Wacken's site for gaining press passes, vip passes, etc.

Rob and Chris can probably use their promoter connections to line something up easy enough.

After going many times, I'm still convinced Wacken open air is pretty much one of the greatest things in the whole world. :cool:

Get your tickets quick, if you want to get in to the 20th!