Waking Theo – A Reflection On The Present


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Waking Theo – A Reflection On The Present
Self-released - Demo
By Chris Kee


I hate reviews like this. Waking Theo are a young British band with a professional approach, a good work ethic and most importantly, a good degree of musical ability so I’d love to be able to shout their praises to the rooftops; the problem is I just don’t like them. The four tracks that make up this, their second demo release are full of melodic, In Flames influenced guitar lines and those shouting, screaming vocals which seem to characterize so much of modern metal and metalcore.

These two aspects in particular I can’t stand, and despite the band’s claims of possessing a unique identity much of what is on offer here feels very familiar. It’s not a good sign when I’m bored before they’ve even finished playing four songs. On a more positive note the drumming of Chris Vinter is crisp and impressive throughout, ’Shadow Of Doubt’ features some nice mellow touches and ’From Demented Dreams’ has a very cool solo section. Waking Theo are a young band with more than enough talent to progress and I’m sure a lot of people will like them a lot more than I do.

Official Waking Theo Website