Waking up with random songs in your head?

Chryst Krispies

Vanilla Gorilla
Jul 27, 2005
Why do I keep waking up with random songs in my head that I wasn't even listening to at all for a while?

Woke up with California Gurls blasting in my head. Yesterday I woke up with something equally random etc.
I always wake up with music stuck in my head, mainly because I sleep with music quietly playing in the background :D It drowns out my tinnitus so I can sleep easier lol
I always wake up with music stuck in my head, mainly because I sleep with music quietly playing in the background :D It drowns out my tinnitus so I can sleep easier lol

Why not try a fan?

I have a little fan next to my bed and that really helps.
wake in the morning feeling like mein fuhrer.

i jest
i often wake up with what ever shitty song is on the clock radio stuck in my head
Happens all the time to me. For the past two mornings it's been the Sneap Forum Dio Tribute version of "All The Fools Sailed Away". :lol: (love those vocals!) I think I've been keeping tabs of all the tribute songs a little too much lately. :lol: