Wal-mart sued over Evanescence Lyrics

Okcham said:
Germany's a great deal more repressive than the US in regard to free speech.

Only when it comes to Nazis, Jews, and the Holocaust, and maybe a rare few political issues like Communism. Have you watched German television before? I mean... fuck, man. Granted, I'd say Germany is #3 in the civilised world behind the UK and America, but even the UK's censorship is a distant second.
The Grimace said:
Only when it comes to Nazis, Jews, and the Holocaust, and maybe a rare few political issues like Communism. Have you watched German television before? I mean... fuck, man. Granted, I'd say Germany is #3 in the civilised world behind the UK and America, but even the UK's censorship is a distant second.
In germany its acutually Illegal to sell any Gorerotted albums or the first 4 cannibal corpse albums in any capicity for some bizzare self serving reason.

in the Uk there were calls from moral watchdogs for extreme metal cds to not to be allowed for purchase to the under 18's wether they are explicit or blasemphous content or not up until arounf the turn of the milenium
kollex said:
In germany its acutually Illegal to sell any Gorerotted albums or the first 4 cannibal corpse albums in any capicity for some bizzare self serving reason.

Which is more ridiculous... a government not allowing the import/sale of a few albums containing some of the most obscenely violent lyrics ever written, or a government censoring 'potty mouth' from every outlet of it's media under penalty of multi-thousand (if not million) dollar fines to the offenders? Or how about this... what kind of fine do you think Fox got for the Janet Jackson hooter thing?


in the Uk there were calls from moral watchdogs for extreme metal cds to not to be allowed for purchase to the under 18's wether they are explicit or blasemphous content or not up until arounf the turn of the milenium

Yeah, and Jerry Falwell got several months of national media coverage in the US because he thought a fucking Teletubbie was gay. What's your point? That there's freaks everywhere, and some idiots listen to them?
I didn't quite know what my point was until i remembered this http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/4073997.stm

if that law gets passed then loads of metal bands in the UK will get banned

off the top my head these would include

Cradle of filth
Dimmu Borgir
Dark Funeral
Morbid Angel
Impaled Nazarene
A Perfect circle (remember the lyrics to Judith)

of course like Rowan Atkinson said in the article it will have precisely the opposite effect, It will be an act of rebellion to own a cd with anti-christian lyrics and the whole emphasis will shift from the music onto the nature of the lyrics
The Grimace said:
what kind of fine do you think Fox got for the Janet Jackson hooter thing?

Actually, it wasn't Fox; it was Viacom (the parent company of CBS) that got slapped with the fines for showing Janet's titty on the screen.

Back to the main part of this story: Sony BMG and the other major labels - as well as the independents - don't have to put parental advisory stickers on the CDs that they release. If anyone remembers the PMRC hearings back in 1985, the major labels agreed that they would place the labels on their products, but that it would/could not be enforced.

People are getting upset over the wrong things. I'm pretty sure that this 13 year old girl has been using this type of language at school or that her father has used it around the house in the presence of his daughter. Personally, I think that he's getting bent out of shape over the wrong thing. They're just words.

Oh yeah, something else I just remembered: isn't Evanescense supposed to be a Christian band? :D
Haha yes because Christians never want to make any money considering how bad their religion got fucking owned with the recent church scandal bullshit. I can't wait until they fucking give up.
Kinda funny how The Grimace is wrong, but he's still trying to act all smart and snobbish.

Cannibal Corpse is a band, they make music. Music is a form of media, not the band Cannibal Corpse. Germany didn't outlaw music as a whole, so they didn't outlaw a form of media, only a small fraction of that form.
Demilich said:
Kinda funny how The Grimace is wrong, but he's still trying to act all smart and snobbish.

Cannibal Corpse is a band, they make music. Music is a form of media, not the band Cannibal Corpse. Germany didn't outlaw music as a whole, so they didn't outlaw a form of media, only a small fraction of that form.


Recorded music is a form of media, but A PIECE OF RECORDED MUSIC is not a form of media. It's the difference between 'They banned CDs' and 'They banned some CDs', which is a huge fucking difference.

How the fuck do I get pulled into this shit all the time??
The Grimace said:

Recorded music is a form of media, but A PIECE OF RECORDED MUSIC is not a form of media. It's the difference between 'They banned CDs' and 'They banned some CDs', which is a huge fucking difference.

How the fuck do I get pulled into this shit all the time??

Haha.. I meant Ockham. My mistake.