Wall around the U.S. borders...

You guys for this or against it? And why or why not?! I think both borders must be secured. More so now that ever before, it's a threat as terrorists can and have gotten over the border among the illegal aliens from the south...

yup. exactly.
it's a security issue, at this point. we cant just let anybody pass through, unchecked. there are too many out there who mean us harm and would take advantage of our slack border security.
I'm for a wall. But to clairify my position on the subject: I think deporting 12 million people is idiocy.
Build The wall, Keep all the people out who don't cooperate with the social mobilty model out of this country. The ones that are here need to be rounded up and sent elsewhere, Then only can the U.S return to what it once was, if not I'm thinking of moving to a country called Caucasia.

If you don't belong here you need to go. Time to take back America, Which will never happen because the youth of this country is soft and apathetic to everything except their fucking cellphones. They would rather watch that praying mantis with a vagina Paris Hilton on TV than be concerned about what's going on in the world.

Best Regards,

I am very much for the construction of a wall.
I suppose deporting them may cost the taxpayers even more $$$ than it is worth. How about we employ all of the illegals to build the wall. Then, we just have to make sure they are on the other side when the last pieces are put in place.
I'm for a wall. But to clairify my position on the subject: I think deporting 12 million people is idiocy.

I agree, you can't round everyone up and ship 'em back. I was watching Fox News where they had this reporter that crossed the Rio Grande while riding an elephant! Yes, a fucking elephant! When he crossed into the USA you'd figure there would be a shit load of people waiting to greet him in their crosshairs right?! No. Infact no one came! This is outrageous! All caught on tape! It must be on YouTube somewhere...
I agree, you can't round everyone up and ship 'em back. I was watching Fox News where they had this reporter that crossed the Rio Grande while riding an elephant! Yes, a fucking elephant! When he crossed into the USA you'd figure there would be a shit load of people waiting to greet him in their crosshairs right?! No. Infact no one came! This is outrageous! All caught on tape! It must be on YouTube somewhere...
Ask and you shall receive.....
YouTube - John Gibson Interviews Raj Peter Bhakta
I agree, you can't round everyone up and ship 'em back. I was watching Fox News where they had this reporter that crossed the Rio Grande while riding an elephant! Yes, a fucking elephant! When he crossed into the USA you'd figure there would be a shit load of people waiting to greet him in their crosshairs right?! No. Infact no one came! This is outrageous! All caught on tape! It must be on YouTube somewhere...

He had a Mariachi band also.
Waste of money.
Reservations will be cutting holes in the fence, some areas it will go through have canyons, etc.
Electronic surveillance and more rangers would be a better use of funds.
The wall project is just to harvest votes.