
More wallapapers will come soon, also I should add a php icq list members
with a sql database and more goodies like buddy icons...etc

oldlyonfreak said:
More wallapapers will come soon, also I should add a php icq list members
with a sql database and more goodies like buddy icons...etc


I want. :grin:
The fan art section is cool too...Devin goes to South Park!

The fan art, fan pics and fan with merchandise sections are the Tracy's favourite sections...With Dev they really enjoy those artworks fans send. So don't hesitate to send me your pics and drawings, it's always cool to have more content...Leandro from argentina sent a cool devy drawing a few days ago...I don't know if he comes around here, great stuff anyway, really great stuff, I added it in the fan art section


ps: Ok for the buddy icons, I'll work on this...