Borknagar wallpapers


I merely ran a studio pic of Borknagar through the ROFLBot Generator with a silly caption....

i lol'd.
Ignore Kazaum, he's just bitter.
I love the captions. I made a few but none of Borknagar.


There's also this shitty commercial here in the UK for some Norwegian handcream. It starts off with "NOTHING IS SIMPLE IN NORWAY, EVEN GETTING TO YOUR HOUSE" then cuts to a scene of this Norwegian woman having to dig through snow to get to her house. I kind of turned it into a shitty 4chan meme.:erk: So you just make a picture of a Black Metaller with "NOTHING IS SIMPLE IN NORWAY...." then mocking what's going on.

My friend Rory made this one.

We need a life.
Isjungfrun, I like the behemoth one ^^ (though it's a shame you placed the text right on orion's head:P)
Yeah, true. I don't have a scanner, however, nor Photoshop. Nor any pics of Borknagar or their 5728532523 variants laying around. Nor any graphical arts ability, for that matter :)

Plus, it's ROFLbot! Cute! :zombie:
Ah right, well fair enough. :lol:
Photoshop isn't that great anyway, it takes half a year to start up and all the easy things are annoying to do on it.

Nah I posted a 2000x2000 version or so like 4 weeks ago :P Used the same source as Asgeir's pic, to get any resolution I wanted.
Yeah I remember the thread, I just didn't think it was that big.

i lol'd.
Ignore Kazaum, he's just bitter.
I love the captions. I made a few but none of Borknagar.
Bitter about what? :lol:

I just think anything related to 4chan is just stupid. It's the cesspool of the internet.

Well, things are quite simple in Norway - it just cost 4 times more...
Come to Ireland and you can turn that 4 into at least a 6. :lol:
Then I don't see what your problem is.
Now if you just didn't like the idea of images being captioned or something, then fine, but to be hating them because of 4chan is as bad as hating various bands because they're not kvlt any more.

Well for one, I don't think it's really all that funny. And you know how I like to laugh at almost anything and for possibly no reason. I don't hate 4chan either, I just think it's a simple place for simple people. I dunno why you'd link it to anything releating to kvlt since you know I don't care about stuff like that.
Well for one, I don't think it's really all that funny. And you know how I like to laugh at almost anything and for possibly no reason. I don't hate 4chan either, I just think it's a simple place for simple people. I dunno why you'd link it to anything releating to kvlt since you know I don't care about stuff like that.

Sorry, I just get grumpy. Been getting a lot of hate for browsing 4chan a lot, because while 4chan is a god awful site there's still some good things on there and some fairly nice people. I get all defensive because it seems a new trend to be hating on it.
Sorry, I just get grumpy. Been getting a lot of hate for browsing 4chan a lot, because while 4chan is a god awful site there's still some good things on there and some fairly nice people. I get all defensive because it seems a new trend to be hating on it.
I really nothing it. But I agree that a lot of people hate it without knowing anything about it...
I really nothing it. But I agree that a lot of people hate it without knowing anything about it...

I actually have never even heard of 4chan until a few months ago, and I visited it once. I can't say anything about the content, but wow I hated the navigation and layout. So much so that I really have no desire to ever visit it again.

I first heard of the Lolcat phenom on that other complete waste of time, LiveJournal. :)