Guess what?

Ezaphen said:
Thanks folks. Glad you like it. About the "cut images problem"... There's a red scroller on the right side. Doesn't this appear on your screens?

yes you're of course right i just did't get it *ggg*

my screen resolution is to high, hehe and it was early morning
skidzo said:
take firefox and download flash

A friend has talked me about this browser, he says that is faster than Galeon and it doesn't consume too much memory. I have to check out .... in a few weeks I'm having a new computer, so I have to reinstall all the software, I'll install it.

Great to see that there are Debian users in this forum :wave:
min said:
A friend has talked me about this browser, he says that is faster than Galeon and it doesn't consume too much memory. I have to check out .... in a few weeks I'm having a new computer, so I have to reinstall all the software, I'll install it.

Great to see that there are Debian users in this forum :wave:
its the first software that recognized every single piece of hardware in my computer only my mp3 stick didn't work :-( (I have to check the new kernel)

it will grow! galeon is not what i would call a browser firefox is definately better

cheers mates!
Ezaphen said:
Yeah. It's an all-flash site.
Sigh. You suck. I thought people had learned by now that making all Flash sites was a sure way to piss off your intended readership. Obviously not. FWIW, I can't see Flash at all on my main computer, and on my secondary computer, the text is too small to read. Being Flash, it can't be resized, either.

I now can't view the Borknagar site at all :-( Not an improvement in my book...
Quit yer cryin'!!! It's no one's fault but your own that you can't navigate the site.

Epic metal fans are such babies.

Innipunn said:
To be honest, I think the new site was a big mess. Liked the last one better.
"Uhh, let's make a fancy flash site." It would look good but noone will ever find a way to navigate in it. Why make thing's difficult? Keep things simple. :yuk:
Hey Ezaphen,

I liked the website. The graphical design is cool. I'd prefer a non-flash site and this site could have been done with html only. But it is a nice design coherent with the album artwork. Couple of people hated it I guess, but that's their opinion. I have a problem with the scrolling though. In each section, scrolling is different. In the "Activity" and "Symbiotics" you have one thing (two steady arrows that set the scrolling), the discography section scrolls from the wheel on my mouse :) and "Downloads" section has a totally different scroll bar. It was confusing when I first visited the website.

All in all, I think this is a good job.

Finally someone to comment the Flash-aspect. To be honest, I never was much a flash-fan myself. When I designed the site, I was initially aiming for an html-coded site. But as I went along, I saw Flash as the best solution, and I'm quite pleased with the outcome. When it comes to navigating the site, you must be insanely stupid if you can't find your way around. EVERYTHING is on one page. THAT's keeping it simple. The only thing that may be confusing is the scroller in the downloads-section. I agree with you there, alperozt. I'll change it at soon as i find out how to. The "arrow-scrollers" are simple text-scrollers, and they don't work in the download-section. It will be fixed. Concerning text size: If you use an insanely high screen-resolution the text will be smaller. Use Opera, and zoom the whole thing.

Ezaphen said:
Concerning text size: If you use an insanely high screen-resolution the text will be smaller. Use Opera, and zoom the whole thing.
It's actually nothing to do with resolution, although I do run my machines higher than most. Nor will zooming help. It's the fact that the Flash font renderer sucks so badly that the text is unreadable. This is how it appears to me:


This isn't scaled, it's a 1:1 screenshot. Even zoomed, it's pretty hard to read. Look at the bowl of the "g", or the slant of the "s". The weighting is just all wrong, resulting in hard to read text. Is it really just me? I struggle to believe that no one else has the same problem...
What browser/OS do you run? We've tested the site on an PC running WinXP in Opera, IExplorer, Netscape and Firefox, and on a Mac using IExplorer. This is how it apperars on those mentioned:

Like I said, Flash sucks (for this, and many other reasons), and it's almost invariably a bad idea to make Flash only sites. I'm using Mozilla 1.7 on Linux/x86, with Flash plugin 7.0 r25 -- the latest version, according to the Macromedia web site.
I've noticed that underneath the activity "line" on the left side there is a text box that has "Last update 08.11.2004 - Uploaded the new site." I then found I can delete the text and type whatever I want into it. Is there a reason for this?