Waltari - Blood Sample


Apr 5, 2003
Waltari - Blood Sample
Dockyard 1 - DY100242 - 2006
By Brandon Strader


When I read "Warning: Contains frequencies that may damage your ears" on the CD, I almost threw the thing out. What person in their right mind would listen to any music that could possibly damage their ears unusually? Sure, playing black metal pretty loud could probably hurt, but having a frequency that could damage ears is just unnecessary. I mean come on guys, the point of music is to make something enjoyable, not something that will piss people off and possibly damage their ears for life. I should just crack this disc in half right now and piddle on it, but for the sake of our readers here at UltimateMetal.com, I will review this disc... but keep in mind I'm doing it for you, yes YOU! So you better be nice to me from now on...

Fearfully, I pressed the play button.

AHHH MY EARS.... Oh wait, that's not frequencies... that's techno... dang. "In all seriousness I must say, the sound quality on this disc is pretty amazing," he said as blood ran from his brain. Actually, the music is not too bad. I'm not saying that with a face of disgust, but maybe I should have left the italicized emphasis off of the word "too". In complete brutal honesty, the first track is extremely boring except for the chirping - and possible brain melting - techno elements. The harmony is pretty fine, and the instrumentation is fantastic, but the vocals are kind of annoying like a drunken Frank Sinatra or something. Get off the junk, sir!

But yay, screams and growls come into the music too! And even rappy monotone vocals... ok, this is already too much. I shall rip this abomination in half! *rips* Hmmm... so now how to finish the review... hmmmmm...

Well, the guitar work was pretty swell. Nothing too overly complicated, as the tempos were fairly slow-paced, and most rhythms consisted of a powerchord-type pattern, and major chords were used a lot as well, which implies that the keyboards may have been recorded with much ease as well. Yes, most keyboardists will agree, major scales are easier than minor scales. The percussion isn't very impressive, no double bass, no blastbeats... think "radio rock". Actually there are some great vibes throughout, and some neat experimentation, but the group relies highly on the rock 'n' roll portion, which drags the group down. It's obvious a lot of work has gone into the arrangements and even the performances, assuming the "Studio magic" button was not pressed too hard that is.

Waltari claims to be a multi-music project, yes - including metal - yet they cling to their rock formulas like a nursing infant clings to... well.. you know where I'm going with this. Overall, Blood Sample is a pretty decent release - even though it is currently ripped into a billion peices and burning in a small sacrificial pile surrounded by the blood of a virgin... yeah... Let me go get a band-aid real quick...


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Official Waltari Website
Official Dockyard 1 Website