wanna buy a lightsaber?

Who the fuck would really need one? It's scary enough things like that are being sold to anyone!

Reminds me of the DakTarg knife in Fallout Tactics:

"Weapon constructed for a bunch of obsessive TV fans in the 20 century. It works like a real weapon which is really sad."
either way, it looks like I'm missing the point. So is that a laser or a projector? If it's the latter, then how the hell could it possible work with a small laser beam like that???
looks like we might be hearing some more news stories now about some dumbass rich high school kids buying these to blind people at school assemblies. stupid as fuck to allow something this powerful to be sold so freely to the public. These should be licensed like guns in my opinion.
We use those in the Army as a warning device for approaching traffic while overseas(we use them since they are bright as fuck and travel a very far distance, something normal laser devices can't do). They are treated as a weapon and you are only allowed to use them in situations that would also warrant shooting at them. They do burn through paper pretty quick and will completely destroy your retina after a few seconds.

I can't believe you can buy them as a civilian.
You should probably notify the army that they're selling these. They're definitely too dangerous to own. People will likely discredit how harmful they really are and seriously hurt someone else.
This all reminds me of the time that chick sued for MILLIONS for spilling hot McDonalds coffee on herself..

When the cup has about 6 different warnings that the coffee is hot, and to be careful.