Want Glendon from GODHEAD to play drums in YOUR MIX?


Jan 2, 2007
How would you like Glendon from GODHEAD to play the drums on your mix and have me mix and master it?

I'm doing a drum tutorial video and one of the drummers for the metal section is Glendon from Univeral Recording artist GODHEAD.

For this tutorial I'll need a great metal track.

The guidelines:

1. It needs to be @3:00 minutes long

2. The drumming has to be nice and metal, but not insane (with tons of time changes and shit) because we shoot this on Wednesday and I don't want the poor guy busting his ass to learn

3. It has to have some kickass sounding guitars and bass tracks

4. It can have vox but they are not mandatory

5. SEND MP3s to StevenSlate1@aol.com

6. I'll pick the winner by tomorrow night, so start sending

If you win, I'll need:

a click track. individual tracks of: guitars. bass. vox. a stereo drum mix to show exactly what you want the drums to do.

any questions, email me at StevenSlate1@aol.com
ok im uploading my song , i did the song after i read this topic :heh:

the guitar tone is great i think, but i suck at mixing lately... dunno why ;/ so... tell me what you think..

hope you do the vocals!
3 minutes is tough, so @ 3:30 is ok too.. so send away... and yeah if you want me to throw some vox on it sure I will!
Well, I've been trying for a while now, but I just can't seem to get these uploaded to you. Funny thing is, I'm using AOL so I can't understand why this upload won't work. Anyone else having trouble?
Are you trying to help or be a smartass?? His email address is AOL just like mine and the file size limit is 16 mb.
is it an mp3 track? All we need is mp3. I have Glendon listening to stuff now, so you still have time to send a few tunes, but there is an AOL limit so just keep it under 7megs