Want live recorded drums to sound replace

Have a search on the forum for drum samples and DI's, there are loads floating about. Should be whole threads of drum samples. They generally don't include cymbals though, you can buy drum packs from a few people on here though.
You would still be using samples? Just samples of a live drum kit. There are plenty floating about, try the Sturgis forum for some of his own (at a cost, most people charge) including cymbals. You use these with drumagog.

Otherwise I have no idea what you mean.

EDIT: I'm being slow lately, re-read what you posted originally a few times, you worded it strangely and it's hard to grasp.

You mean you want some recordings of a drum kit in a full song, to practice using drumagog in order to trigger your own samples?

Sorry for the confusion, the way you worded it may be why you have no other replies.