Want opinions on this guitar tone

Sounds ok, but my concern is the stuttering effect, almost sounds like a noise gate with too high of a setting or editing that chopped off decay.
Sounds ok, but my concern is the stuttering effect, almost sounds like a noise gate with too high of a setting or editing that chopped off decay.

Stuttering effect? I don't hear it. There's no noise gate on it...

edit: if you're talking about the main riff, it was just played very tightly and all palm muted (not open notes).

Besides that, do you think the tone is ok? As in enough gain, enough treble, etc
super weird tone :ill: like.. half dry preamp signal and half cab

more gain or a healthy input signal?
I think the stuttering RichS is hearing is due to the kick stepping on the guitars a bit. I bet it wouldn't be noticable without the kick present. I personally like the tone and I think with some eq cutting to tame it a bit it would fit nicely in the mix you have. Oh and tame the midrange on that kick a bit too while you're at it.. ;)
very weird attack on the palm mutes indeed...maybe strange editing...also thought of some kind of strange gating on the DI track, but I think its either playing or editing.
also a tad undergained imo

edit: just read that you say its not gate or editing, so its gotta be strange playing...maybe turning up the gain more then you'd usually want to helps a bit on that one
Thanks for the tips guys! Yeah, I guess on that song I was just playing with a bit too much palm mute. I'll try upping the gain and post a new mix soon. I think it might be because I don't have the standard EMG 81/85 combo, maybe just need to pump up the gain. On the X50 amp sim, should I be pumping up the pre gain or the post gain? Not sure what the difference is.
I like the solid-stateness of the tone. It's pretty aggro. I think the playing is a bit off in places, with all the palm muting and alternate picking it makes it really easy to notice. If that was tightened up the weirdness would likely go away.
I like the solid-stateness of the tone. It's pretty aggro. I think the playing is a bit off in places, with all the palm muting and alternate picking it makes it really easy to notice. If that was tightened up the weirdness would likely go away.

Thanks! I don't know how the playing sounds off, I edited those guitars quite a bit and everything should be 100% on the money. Maybe it's just because I've listened to the songs so many times and I know how they're supposed to sound, I dunno.