Want to buy a snare, need help


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011

I have a Free Floating Brass 14x6.5 (which sounds awesome) and I want to buy another snare on the used market. I have quite a small budget, say 100-150€. I don't have any very specific line tbh as far as it sounds different from my Free Floating :) Well, I'm looking for one I could get a warmth and cracky tone with if that makes sense.

I saw some Mapex Black Panther Premium series 13x5.5 for sale for a pretty decent price. I've already recorded a Black Panther and it sounded very good but this was not a Premium. Also a Mapex Black Panther Mapple 14x5.5 a bit more expensive. Anyone here know the ones I mentionned?

I've heard really cool samples of the pork pie little squeeler and the newer black beauty knockoff. Used prices should fall into your budget, that's where I would start.
Thanks. I thought the Pork Pie also but I'd tend to pick up a wooden snare to get something really different from my Free Floating. Maybe I'm wrong?