Want to proof read my Monolith Studios -Guide PDF?


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Basically.. regardless of whether a band tracks with me or not, I HOPE that they can at least follow my guidelines to ensure I get to mix/ master something that is actually decent in quality and execution.

Don't mind how critical you are, I have an intended audience so I'll happily take on any ideas that conform with what I aim to achieve through this!


http://dl.dropbox.com/u/306055/Monolith Studios Recording Guidelines.pdf
I've read it through, it's all very good but I have one little niggle, the "shit in = shit out" part doesn't really seem to fit with the rest of the document, I mean in a wording sense. Everything else is all really well worded and professional sounding, it just seems to stick out.

Wow, I worded that pretty shit myself :lol:
^^^ That was my initial thoughts, because every one knows that saying and the implication so I assume it was applicable. However I've had a few mates say it's still too unprofessional as it's right at the start. So I ditched it.

Thanks though dude, I definitely share your sentiment :)
Haha yeah, it was totally bad ass though! It sucks that you even have to include that kind of stuff ina guide...

Please be able to play your songs, it will help immensely since I won't have to re-track them all myself.
Ok.. I changed it a bit more *that turd section*. It's now only STRADDLING unprofessional if you try hard enough. And if you do, then you're not the kind of person I want to deal with in the first place :p

Let me know what you think guys :)
the waveform is compressed and incomparable between notes
Do you mean to say "the waveform is compressed and individual notes are visually indistinct"

you're missing an "of" in
why remove the option [of] sounding as good as possible

lemon tea and other remedies to keep the vocal chords in good condition. But nothing has proven
itself to work better.
perhaps change the "and" to "and/or". You can't start a sentence with "But", I'd suggest removing the "."

including any of these [other] files
without the "other" strictly speaking you are referring to the last use of the word "files" which you used to refer to the ones to keep, not the ones to throw away.

Name your tracks accordingly. Carefully taking the time to name your tracks to keep them easy to
understand and consistent across the project will save everyone time and confusion later on.
I would suggest replacing with:
"Name your tracks appropriately and consistently. Taking the time to name your tracks in a way that is easy to understand..."

If it already comes here brick-walled, there's very little we can do.
Monolith Studios doesn't mind
you're moving from 1st person plural to 3rd person singular. Either change the "we" to "Monolith Studios" (in keeping with rest of the document), change "Monolith Studios doesn't" to "Monolith Studios don't" (still changing from 1st to 3rd, but both are now plural) or change "Monolith Studios doesn't" to "We don't".

mild compression used on tracks to be mastered. But remember, under compression is better than over compression when sending tracks off to master
remove the "."

I'm not 100% on any comma splices or whatever, i'm no grammar expert but overall it sounds good, very comprehensive
^^^ hey dude! Thanks for that. I'm not the biggest grammar nazi. Verbal communication is my strong point so I don't often write stuff like this :p thanks for picking up on all that! Much appreciated :)