Want to see a vicious clothesline?

T_man357 said:
Thanks man!!! For the some reason I thought it was the guy you like Bradshaw
He's tough enough to have won that WWF Tough Man contest that they had for the winner to fight Butterbean.....Do you remember the contest they did, with all the wrestlers scrapping with the gloves on???????????
That whole contest was Bradshaw's idea, and then he ended up getting his ass handed to him. He had it coming.

By the way, Bradshaw's current character is just about the only entertaining thing in WWE.
Butterbean's a fat,useless piece of shit!! I was for Gunn handing him his ass all the way!! But he made a classic boxing mistake and stood straight up instead of bending at the waist...That's how Beans haymaker hit him so effectivley
Nik knows what I'm talking bout....That's Boxing 101

Oblivious Maximus said:
Yeah, it wasted valuble time at Mania 15. Butterbean is cool and all, but he's a boxer, not a wrestler.
T_man357 said:
Butterbean's a fat,useless piece of shit!! I was for Gunn handing him his ass all the way!! But he made a classic boxing mistake and stood straight up instead of bending at the waist...That's how Beans haymaker hit him so effectivley
Nik knows what I'm talking bout....That's Boxing 101

I use to crouch so low i reduced my height by at least 14" very Tysonesk..
Eric Ersch was a top chap he boxed at novelty super heavy weight Billy could kick his ass......but he was a nice bloke.