Want your opinion! (Death Metal)


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011
I'd like to get some feedback on this mix:

I did not engineer the guitars and no DIs were available. It took me a while to get a 'decent' tone but they still sound not very good. Drums are MIDI.
The mix seems to be well balanced to me at least on my monitors - the voices are maybe a bit too bright, don't know really as I usually like them that way.
Yeah, that's exactly what I thought when I heard the intro!
BTW I updated the OP. Did some automation.

What do you think about the sound/mix, etc.?
also how the fuck did you get the epic operatic vocals at the beggening? i think the cymbals are slighty cloudy and hard to hear, I also think that theres a lack of depth in the mix aswell, the songs epic and needs to sound massive, thats nit picking though. good job!
Thanks for the feedback!
The singer uses a processor with a detune effect and slap delay I guess, also vocal layering does the trick. I just processed as usual (comp, deesser, EQ, limiter + reverb, 2 delays and disto) I'll take a look at those cymbals!

What do you mean by "lack of depth"? Maybe I could bring up the bass a bit but I don't think it'd fix that as the guitar tone is the weak point here.
whats your mastering chain? have you put a multi band compressor on the master bus? i think you need to get the low end to glue together a bit better, again, im nit picking
it sounds pretty awesome and sick to me! would love to get at least in that way with the mix
of my band, too bad that I suck :D
And yeah, that intro vocals are pretty awesome, vocals maybe a bit to bright but besides that
I really like it.
I'm glad you like it gentlemen :)
I put a multiband compressor on the master buss for my mastering. It moves very slightly but I'll try to remove it to see how the mix reacts.
I agree about the brightness of the vocals, I was wondering about that but finally I quite like them like that. And with the cymbals a little bit brighter, it will sounds more coherent maybe...

Thanks for the replies!