Want your opinion on this

Drums sound nice. The kick has a nice punch to it and the snare verb is great. Also the toms sound very natural.
For the guitars and bass they don't glue together that well. The guitars are a bit too muddy/ have too much gain, maybe even too scooped?
The bass could be a little bit lower in volume and needs better space in the mix, it seems too bassy right now to me. It needs more 'tone'.

Hope that my opinion helps here!
Yeah, the guitars are a lot better now, those palm mutes were kinda weak in the last version, now they're great.
Sub bass is also very good the way it is now. Good mix.

Could you give some info on the overheads? I love the drums, haha!
I did not record it but AFAIK overheads are KM184 in Neve 1272 mic pre. I eq'd and slightly compressed them. Bass is DI + Slate VCC, eq, SSL comp and Mesa Recto but the DI is not clear at all so no much attack on it. Guitars are Xamp > JCA 100 > Bogner Uberkab > I5 + SM57 (a la Nordström) > GAP pre73.

Here's another shot with a tighter low end imo. I just turned down the sub track a little bit (now focused on 60hz instead of 50hz), brought down the lows in kick and toms and also the snare is less harsh. It sounds better on my monitors/room. Let me know what you think!

My ears are pretty tired right now but it seems that my last mix lacks some low mid on gtr/bass and exciting frequencies on the drums especially cymbals and snare. But the more I tweak, the more I get lost!

I'd like to know what you guys think. Thin drums? Boomy guitars? Not enough mids?

A lot of those cymbals are super abrasive IMO. Try automating the volume on some of the louder hits, because they really jump out at you in an unpleasant way (whatever cymbals are being used at the very beginning are the ones I keep hearing throughout the song as being really harsh in tone and volume). Rest of the drums sound pretty good.

Guitars are really grainy, don't like them.
My bad! I'm so tired that I did not even notice these cymbals!!! I'll fix that!
I'm gonna try to give some weight to the guitars and make this bass bigger. Also add some low end to the kick.
New clip soon...
The snare sounds pretty good, the only problem I hear with it is that it seems very machine like on the faster rolls. Humanize those parts with lighter hits. The guitars were little grainy imo but still very listenable. Otherwise I liked the mix.
Thanks for listening!

What's not good for you on the 2nd mix?
The first one is clearer but also seems to not have enough balls. On the second mix, I added some low end then raise the guitars/bass (maybe too much).
The second has 'too much balls' if that's possible... It felt just too bassy.
If you want more power in the first one, have you tried giving the guitars more lowend power instead of the bass?
Maybe there lies some potential for 'more balls'. Then again, more than two balls would look weird ~~

I like both mixes, but prefer the first one, feels tighter.
Three balls? :D
Yeah I tried it but I don't get what I want so I worked on the bass and give more low end to it.
I just put a thumb at 80Hz and add some db's around 140-170Hz on the guitars.