Please give me your opinion!

Sounds good man, but the guitars are sticking out a little too much, a bit on the bright side, it may give you problems when you try to put the vox.
Yes thats always one of my bad points, i tend to get too bright sounding guitars (harsh?) when i want more definition. Thanks mate for your input! Any other advice?
Yeah man, they a bit harsh, look from 1khz to 4khz and cut some useless frequencies . Do you also have the toms clipping the mix almost in the end of the clip.
The guitars still sound a little fizzy/harsh to me, but if you prefer brighter tones it's not so harsh that it's fatiguing to listen to. Just be mindful of that if you end up recording vocals to it.

Overall though I really like the level balance, and the bass guitar tone works really well with everything else.
Thanks. Maybe the harshness lies in the source tone here coz EQing doesn't solve this in a good way? (at least to me) Anyway, I like the guitars a little bit on the fizzy side in general, I'll see how they work when I put up the vocals.