wanted info on the Line 6 HD147

Jul 14, 2003
Akron, Ohio
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i'm gonna be purchasing a new amp soon and i've been checking out different amps. information and reviews have intruiged me to this amp and i was wondering if anyone knew anything about it and if it was complete shit or not. Or, if anyone has any amp reccomendations, i would greatly appreciate it. I want something with really thunderous clear tone. Help me out here. thanks
The HD 147 is going to be my next amp. I tested in at the store and in our rehearsal room for two days and its awesome. I already have the Flextone HD but the 147 is a good deal ahead of it. The amps and cabs are cool (though of course not the real thing, but who cares?), the FX are studio standard and its insanely loud.

However, I strongly recommend testing this baby for some time before you purchase it. If you have a good store near you, ask if they would lend you the amp for two days and give it a proper check in your rehearsal room.

Also the Valvetronix head from Fender sounds very good and has enough output for all occasions.