
Black Feather

New Metal Member
Aug 10, 2004
We are looking for two German boys we met during the children of bodom concert. We all stood together at the right back side from the stage (where a flood of crowdsurfers passed our heads towards the stage).

Descriptions: Boy 1: black hear, lenght of a finger, aproximately 1m90, thin, wearing a white contact lense in the left eye, three piercings in the under lip, glove with pins from elbow to polse (to punch crowdsurfers, hihi), a black shirt (forgot the print, sorry) and a long black skirt till the ground. Detail: he asked if we wanted to sit on his back to have a better view on the stage (very friendly offer!)
Boy 2: black-blue hair, schoulder length, very blue eyes, about 1m80, also slim, rather a shy type, black pants, black shirt (forgot the print too). Detail: one of us suddenly grabbed his face, trying to warn him for an upcoming crowdsurfer, saying "cuidado" (spanish for "look out") which made him a little confused... oops!

Anyway, after the concert we have been very stupid not to open our mouths and talk to these guys... Both of them made a deep impression on us, which is very strange. Therefore we would like to trace them and get to know them a little bit better.

If you should happen to know who we mean and you know them, let us know, ok? Thanx!

Greetz from Spain
Thank you, I have just post it there.

"Porque la vida es sueño, y los sueños, sueños son"
(cause live are dreams, and dreams are just dreams)