Wanting to start an Online Extreme Metal Project


Apr 24, 2012
Hey guys, not sure if this is in the right place but I wanted to know if anyone around was looking to do a extreme metal project. Collabing, writing full songs, recording, mixing and mastering. My goal is to want to be able to write a full Collab record. I'm wanting to do a team of 5-6 people like in any normal band. 1 guitarist, bass, drums, vocals. I will play, record, and write guitar and am looking for people interested. I'm looking to do something in the vain of what I'd like to call Progressive Blackened Melodic Death Metal. :rock::p But seriously.... I want extreme metal with not just riff after riff songs. I want structure as well as melody. I want to make music and not just brutality (even though that's the main focus of it being extreme metal). I want progressive elements as well as both black and death metal elements in there. If any of this interests you and you'd like to start collabing, reply to this thread or PM me! I also range in lots of areas in metal. Not just extreme metal.

Influences include but are not limited to:
(Off the top of my head and in no order:) The Faceless, Nile, Devourment, Hate Eternal, Impending Doom, Whitechapel, Nerve End, Animals as leaders, Behemoth, Lamb Of God, 7 horns 7 eyes, Black Dahlia Murder, Demon Hunter, Trivium, Chimaira, Dimmu Borgir, Devin Townsend Project, Killswitch Engage...
I'm interested.
Can you send me a Guitar Pro file with some of your ideas?
I'll add something and then we'll see what happens.
I play guitar, Dropped C
Oh yeah, sounds like my kind of gig. I'm not much for songwriting myself, but on the production end of things, I could offer guitar and bass reamping to make the album sound awesome.
Now it's getting interesting. Jake, you could definitely help produce it as well as add artistic flares and nuances and what not with the production side of things and anything else you'd want to add.

Dosed- I can send you a guitar pro file of some things I've been working on and we can go from there. I also play in Drop D but have a 7 string so I'm pretty lenient on tuning.

Here's a Guitar pro 5 file of just different riffs and progressions I've dinked around with but haven't made into songs these past 4-6 months. Feel free to critique or say what you will about them. This is more based on how I write but don't be fooled, i can vastly fluctuate my style of writing (basically I'm capable of writing heavier stuff) this stuff has more melodic elements based on some of my own personal music projects that these riffs never got around to becoming.

Also, it's all in Drop Db but it could be in any drop d tuning varient.
sounds cool, a few parts are just almost too melodic for my vocal style (like the intro) but besides that
I am really digging it, my vocals are more old school style low death metal growls and higher screams.
Thank you guys! Like I said this is just a few ideas I've thrown around and put into a gp file. This is not the full extent to how heavy I can write lol.
I can conjur up a good thrasher for some heavier vocals while still keeping that melodic sense.

also that'd be awesome Djunn to play some stuff in this! We need keys! ha
Definitely interested in this, i myself am a (quite skilled, imho) drummer.

Idea's sounded pretty awesome to me, it's a good thing when a drummer hears a riff and instantly comes up with a drumpart right? :P (That was for the bits with no drums in 'em)
As far as recording capabilities go, i have an e-kit here at home and i also can record acoustic drums when the time is right :)

I can send you some examples from my old band if you'd like?
I would be very down for this. I have a 7 string and I have been playing guitar for 9 years now. My style is in the vein of The Black Dahlia Murder, Whitechapel, The Faceless, Insomnium, Architects etc.
I would like female vocals on my tunes

I'd be down, I'm even playing with screaming, growls, Kittie-ish metal vocals. I'm a soprano, so I'm learning to work with it.

Also, I love Devin, Katatonia is awesome, old (and new) Nightwish, any Eastern European metal. I'll post some simple samples tomorrow, let me know if such a sound works.
I'd be down, I'm even playing with screaming, growls, Kittie-ish metal vocals. I'm a soprano, so I'm learning to work with it.

Also, I love Devin, Katatonia is awesome, old (and new) Nightwish, any Eastern European metal. I'll post some simple samples tomorrow, let me know if such a sound works.

Interesting, sometimes I write shit with orchestrations but I hate operatic vocals!lol