War of Worlds

Keyser Soze

Anti-Social Socialist
May 28, 2002
at work....
Hey all... I'm back... in a way.

anyway. Last night, I went to see Steven Spielberg's version of HG Wells' War of the Worlds and had a great time. Even though I tend to want to expel the contents of my stomach everytime Tom Cruise is on screen, he was more than tolerable here. The film was not great, but my expectations were low enough, so I enjoyed myself. The rest of the sold-out crowd was also enjoying it... The effects were incredible, nicely done...

Sorry about the incoherent review... But I'm kind tired...

Oh... Batman Begins still kicked WotW's ass
Thanks for the review of WOTW, Jackie! I love HG Wells and want to see this movie but I am so royally pissed off at the self righteous Mr. Cruise right now I am of the mind to boycott any film he's in, now or in the future. :mad:

I mean I'm all for freedom of believing whatever floats yer boat, but he has crossed the line recently, IMO. For God's sakes the man doesn't even have ovaries so how the hell would he know a damned thing about post partum depression???!!! However he is doing us all a favor by mouthing off about things that prove him to be the arrogant and ignorant fanatic that he is. (Vitamins and exercise are the cure all, oh PLEASE!)

OK rant over....back to my normally cheerful self..... ;)
Air Raid Siren said:
Thanks for the review of WOTW, Jackie! I love HG Wells and want to see this movie but I am so royally pissed off at the self righteous Mr. Cruise right now I am of the mind to boycott any film he's in, now or in the future. :mad:

I mean I'm all for freedom of believing whatever floats yer boat, but he has crossed the line recently, IMO. For God's sakes the man doesn't even have ovaries so how the hell would he know a damned thing about post partum depression???!!! However he is doing us all a favor by mouthing off about things that prove him to be the arrogant and ignorant fanatic that he is. (Vitamins and exercise are the cure all, oh PLEASE!)

OK rant over....back to my normally cheerful self..... ;)

Tom Cruise has gotten really weird lately, he needs a good smack about the head!! Where was the cool guy we saw in Cocktail and Top Gun???
I really thought this movie would crater for the exact reason Aja posted. Tiny Tom infuriated a LOT of women with his knock on Brooke Shields. I saw a survey that said 50% of people asked would NOT see the movie because they were so pissed at him. His antics with Katie Holmes are a pathetic, desperate attempt to prop up a rapidly fading facade of heterosexuality. I have a co-worker who used to work at The Advocate, talk about your fountains of gossip. :)

It's a shame about Katie, but I've come to the conclusion she entered into this deal (and it is a deal, contract and everything. Five years of pretend marriage, she gets $8 million at the end of it.) willingly and isn't being snookered. She used to be a devout Catholic. Guess her soul was worth $8 million.

I didn't care at first, just laughed at him. But when he showed up at the Batman Begins premiere to put on another pathetic display with Katie, and paparazzi practically shoved Christian Bale out of the way, at the premiere of HIS movie, his big breakthrough role, I wanted to strangle Cruise. What a pathetic, shallow publicity whore, stealing someone else's spotlight on the biggest night of his career.

At least Bale has a better attitude than me. Watching him in Equilibrium, I got the distinct impression he's really not someone to be messed with. Guess he knows the score. :)
If he is gay, it is sad that he has to go thru such lengths to try and hide it. So this would be an example of selling your soul for fame ? Thank God for Ellen D.
Desperate attempts lead to desperate endings. If what you guys are saying is true, he should know better. How many times have we seen this before with famous people, and how many times has the outcome been the same? Unless he has truly flipped his lid...
There's an old saying: when you tell a lie, you have to tell six more to cover it up. Tom's lies are now stacked taller than his ex-wives combined. Sooner or later, it will topple.
Tom don't mean squat to me; they could use anyone, some no-name actor and it would still be just as good of a move, if not better. I don't really care about celebrities. I hate listening to them spout their religion and politics. Whenever politics gets interjected in to music I quit listening, because I want escapism and fantasy, with the exception of Bob Marley, cause relion is at the core of his best songs.
robo at first i thought you were the official pr guy for this movie cuz of the other thread - guess not lol. i seen this flick - it was alright. yeah the effects were kewl - so much blood tho!
MiniMurray said:
robo at first i thought you were the official pr guy for this movie cuz of the other thread - guess not lol. i seen this flick - it was alright. yeah the effects were kewl - so much blood tho!

I've planned on watching it at the Kitsap Rodeo drive in theater soon, but it's kinda' ironic, this dude told me last year that his parents were there in the 1950's and a UFO came down and hovered over the screen, and everyone there saw it and there was a write up in the Bremerton Sun, but has since long been forgotten. Someone should summons one during the movie...