OT - War of the Worlds


Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003
So what did you think of this film?

I loved it - being a big fan of the book and Jeff Wayne Musical Album as well, I felt it delivered (I could even handle the somewhat cheezy ending). First film I have seen where Alien machines actually had me terrified.

Great tense film - for once Tom Cruise doesn't overshadown a film by trying to be cool. Dakota Fanning's little hissy fit in the car scene is great too ;)

I have to admit though I wish someone would've done an accurate adaptation of the book and set it in Turn of the centry Victorian England.
I haven't seen it yet but part of it was filmed here in my hometown. Its incredible when I watch the commercials and see the bridge and houses get blown up know that it was all computer animated. I hope to see it before it leaves the theater though.
Had a few films in Melbourne - Ghost Rider most recently.... given the new (to come) Star Wars TV series will be filmed in Sydney and Melbourne I might have to try and get a bit part as a Sand Dune, Jawa or Lamp post. Anything will do.
DarbysDad said:
80s Chik - Only film I can think of in my home town was Grease II :Spin:

and Grease was 1 town over.

That movie is one of my all time favorites. Me and my girlfriend pretended to be the Pink Ladies. I wanted to be Michelle Pfeifer and to this day, I can still sing most songs from heart. Even had the soundtrack. What a dork. :oops:

Do you really wanna know? What a want in a guy. Well I'm looking for a dream oh a mean machine, with hell in his eyes. I want a devil in skin tight leather, he's gonna be wild as the wind, then one fine night, I'll be holding on tight. To a cooooooool rider! A coooool rider. If he's cool enough, he can burn me through and through, woah If it takes forever, than I'll wait forever, no ordinary boy, no ordinary boy is gonna do. I want a rider that's cool.

So apparently I've liked bad boys in leather since grammar school. Everything makes sense to me now.
aliasp said:
Had a few films in Melbourne - Ghost Rider most recently.... given the new (to come) Star Wars TV series will be filmed in Sydney and Melbourne I might have to try and get a bit part as a Sand Dune, Jawa or Lamp post. Anything will do.

If you get a part as a sand dune or a lamp post, I want your autograph. :Spin:
eighteeschick said:
That movie is one of my all time favorites. Me and my girlfriend pretended to be the Pink Ladies. I wanted to be Michelle Pfeifer and to this day, I can still sing most songs from heart. Even had the soundtrack. What a dork. :oops:

Do you really wanna know? What a want in a guy. Well I'm looking for a dream oh a mean machine, with hell in his eyes. I want a devil in skin tight leather, he's gonna be wild as the wind, then one fine night, I'll be holding on tight. To a cooooooool rider! A coooool rider. If he's cool enough, he can burn me through and through, woah If it takes forever, than I'll wait forever, no ordinary boy, no ordinary boy is gonna do. I want a rider that's cool.

So apparently I've liked bad boys in leather since grammar school. Everything makes sense to me now.

You fuckin rock :headbang: :headbang:

Michelle Phifer ain't got anything on you, you're a total hottie. :hotjump:
I was surprised and I liked it. Especially when in the end Tom Cruise didn´t save the whole world and wasn´t thanked by President of The USA :)
The alien scenes were spinechilling and Dakota Fanning kicked ass too, just like she did in that pile of crap called Hide And Seek.
It had it's moments but overall I wasn't that impressed. Same can be said about all the movies I've seen this summer with the exception of Batman Begins and Ep. III.
I used to like Tom Cruise (loved The Firm) but I'm not too fond of the new Tom but I'm going to put that aside because I do want to see War of the Worlds.
DarbysDad said:

You fuckin rock :headbang: :headbang:

Michelle Phifer ain't got anything on you, you're a total hottie. :hotjump:

Awww, thats the nicest compliment that anyone has given to me in a long time. Totally made my day. Thank you.

And you know you are good look dude yourself. ;)
I think the film was ok.....completely different spin on the book though....I just looking forward to when the film versions of the album comes out...it should rawk
I loved WotW. The part where the Volume 8 "tripods" come out was worth the price of admission alone. I'd give it an 8.5 out of 10.

eighteeschick said:
Me and my girlfriend pretended to be the Pink Ladies.
Mmmmm..... Pink....
I finally got to watch this tonight. Those martians scared the crap out of me. And the noise that they made? OMG. There aren't a lot of noises that scare me but with the T-Rex roar in the first Jurraisic Park, I am going to add the sound that these martians made. I found myself frozen in awe, crying (of course) and routing for the army. What a bunch of emotions for one movie. I can't believe I didn't see this in the movie.