War_blade has not said his last word!


rock n troll
Nov 27, 2005
Near Montreal City
Justin dit :
people wanna get rid of lpady laiho

Justin dit :
when she was the funniest shit there...
Ψ Marcio Ψ Gigantour : September 27 / Iron Maiden : October 10 dit :
totally true

Justin dit :
all these n00bs think they are in the 1337 crew
Justin dit :
like Nikotiini

Justin dit :
Justin dit :
made an entire thread about sucking some guy with a unibrow off

Ψ Marcio Ψ Gigantour : September 27 / Iron Maiden : October 10 dit :
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Ψ Marcio Ψ Gigantour : September 27 / Iron Maiden : October 10 dit :
dude, can i post that :lol: ?

Justin dit :
yea go ahead
Justin dit :

Ψ Marcio Ψ Gigantour : September 27 / Iron Maiden : October 10 dit :
thx :D
haha,but marcio you falied utterly when trying to make you and his lines differently colored
Nikotiini said:
yeAh... at least I don't sit around all day thinking of different ways to annoy people over the internet with a fake user name. I don't entirely understand exactly what you were talking about "1337" or wat ever, but I'm not trying to be anything. I don't go around calling people n00bs and such. I like talking to people on here, and thats it. I knew LL was a fake and it was annoying me...end of story. So you, justin, can fuck off. btw, you're pretty good at being a girl.

i dont give a fuck about what u wrote so i didnt read it but by the look of it..... it seems like u got maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad... now who is the loser?
Nikotiini said:
not mad... i just think he is a fag and needs put in his place ... not that I'm the one to do it... but I had to say smt... :lol: :lol:

You are a n00b if you think Justin sucks, though you are a n00b anyway even if you thought Justin didn't suck.