

Oct 12, 2005
Just got an e-mail not too long ago, one that contained information on the band Warbreed, and fuck I was floored. This is metal on a catastrophic scale, no keyboards, heavy as fuck and I remain convinced you guys here on this forum will appreciate this band. They hail from Argentina, home to another favorite band of mine, Mastifal, so if you can, please check their site out, they just put up a 5 song EP for all to download, here it is, under the downloads section:http://www.warbreed.com.ar/eng_version/main.html


Just a side note this is not spam, I've been a member here for a while and feel it my duty to pass along some great bands to fellow fans. Please resply how you guys like/dislike this.
My critical opinion .... sounds like the new wave of bands being signed on labels like metalblade. Site is well done, so is the music but the vox just sound like all these new bands out there.

I forgot to add that I love the lyrics and the whole historical concept behind them.
Yeah pretty good stuff tho I'm not a huge fan of that vocal style. I'd rather the deep growls.
Wow, not a terrible response in the bunch here. I'm surprised, I do dig the vocals myself though
. The reason I found this band was through one of the member's other bands, Mastifal, if any of you get the chance, check that band out, not as aggressive as Warbreed, but still killer stuff there. A disc I'd recommend would be Holocausto Mental. The reason I thought you guys would like this band was the killer drums and the guitar style reminded my of AA, I'm no expert on music, but immediately after hearing this, I wanted to dig through my discs and find some AA CDs (which I still ain't found...:zipit: )
I'm liking this -- they seem pretty good, and i'm liking their style. The vocals are pretty good, and the lyrics are great. I like the WWII themed stuff

It does suck that they have to put that disclaimer on their site to keep people from bitchin at them. It seems they write their lyrics in different viewpoints, from that regretful soldier to hilter...i like that