Jaska, Janne and Henkka are leaving the band!!!!!

Just find it funny I've heard people say Alexi sounds like small dog when he screams in COB and it turns out he's got a small dog so of he loses his voice...
Very funny ha haa

Btw a few nights ago I had a dream where the "new COB members" were announced only hours before the first show and I read about it in a queue. They all had swedish names. I haven't even fuckin thought of COB after the last show, just been listening to WASP a lot.

I am surprised no one here thinks Ossi Paananen is gonna play in the new band now that he left Lost Society, didn't think he would but for some reason people wanna combine these bands.
Swedish names you say? Imagine Jesper Strömblad and Alexi in one band. I'd listen to that.
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No, I never knew he was in Sinergy. He was on the first album, but Jesper's typical writing is hardly there at all. It's all drowned in the gayest power metal. The stuff they did with Roope is a lot better. Nowadays Jesper's in another shitty metal band and there he sounds absolutely like he used to in good old In Flames:
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Of course Alexi needs to establish the position of his new Bodom act before they can be booked on tours, by making a new album with the new members, and make sure it's real metal and not some pop stuff. It's maybe gonna take another year before we hear anything.
Looking at Daniel's instagram stories there could be something going on that looks like band promo taking. No new faces revealed but the latest one seems like they're taking pics with Alexi in a car. Promos or some sort of a video update? I'm not sure how to post pics here on mobile so just giving a hint to check. Took screenshots though.
Looking at Daniel's instagram stories there could be something going on that looks like band promo taking. No new faces revealed but the latest one seems like they're taking pics with Alexi in a car. Promos or some sort of a video update? I'm not sure how to post pics here on mobile so just giving a hint to check. Took screenshots though.



Maybe half of a new album recorded in the midway session as usual, and we get the first demo of one of the songs, with the new band members and new artist title unveiled.
Most likely is we get new band name and members announcement and some new promos, maybe a gig like Alexi said earlier that they could play shows in the spring.
But a lot of events have been canceled because of the corona thing, not so bad in finland yet but could cause problems idk?
Don't believe a new song would be out yet but then again, Hexed's release was delayed, for Alexi it isn't as new as it is for us, it could be possible that he'd had some song ideas ready and was trying out the new lineup how it works in the new song process. Something new could be ready now but I don't think there's gonna be a new song or anything because if it's a New Hit Single there would be some music/lyric video ready and that shit takes time.

Also that picture looks really heavily photoshopped, however Alexi looks really good now! Dude scared me a little year ago.
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One thing's for sure: true metal needs no EP's or independent singles.

It will be interesting to see if they make the new music dark and epic. If not, I'm just done with this style, since there's so much more.
The band breakup and disagreements within the band could totally inspire some dark moods. Of course Alexi has his personal life outside the band too lol but this is a big change and obviously big emotions were involved too.
I am curious about this. The new lineup will bring it's own new things. Future can be really different.
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I would love a new super aggressive and cold and harsh sounding album like Blooddrunk. I really enjoyed the sound world they created with Peter Tägtgren.

" Btw why can’t I see this Alexi pic? The last pic I can see is from him and his witch "
It's on Facebook, not on Instagram.
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I fuckin hope there's no shows or anything coming up I have no money for that now fuck :D

But that's a cool picture again and I'm really interested if new interviews come up (and if there's anything new in said interviews I'll be happy to translate from finnish)