Jaska, Janne and Henkka are leaving the band!!!!!

" I think he suffers a bit under the splitup because he's the only one who's still posting Bodom pics on Instagram. "
And Facebook. I agree.

I found an interview with Henkka. They talked about leaving one year ago, right? Well... :

" Thinking ahead, what do you hope the future will bring for Children of Bodom?

Hopefully, we can keep doing this how we are doing it now. We are actually enjoying our time together and our stage time together more than ever. It’s probably related to the stuff we talked about earlier. We know how to take care of ourselves and of the chemistry of the band so that we can feel really, really good when we hit the stage. I really hope that we can still do this for a few more years, a few more albums. If we can do that, I will be really happy. Even happier than I am now! I think they are simple goals but they are realistic. We are having so much fun and we still have a lot of good crowds and that’s just the best.
( https://metalwani.com/2019/03/interview-children-of-bodoms-henkka-seppala-on-hexed.html )

The interview created at march. 9-10 months ago. What happened in Russia?!
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Well, it still sounds like they're quitting the music business altogether even if they don't want to admit it. I guess they could continue but how many fans are going to care for these three...unless they get Roope and Alexander on board...

The "we couldn’t find a shared viewpoint" says everything. And we know it. Alexi wanted to run the thing like it he's the sole boss, even though he didn't even have stake in the company that owns the name for crying out loud and the others got tired of not being allowed any input. That's my take at least.

I still think Alexi should buy the name from the company and let the others come up with a name for whatever they're going to do, if they're going to do any music.
" I think he suffers a bit under the splitup because he's the only one who's still posting Bodom pics on Instagram. "
And Facebook. I agree.

I found an interview with Henkka. They talked about leaving one year ago, right? Well... :

" Thinking ahead, what do you hope the future will bring for Children of Bodom?

Hopefully, we can keep doing this how we are doing it now. We are actually enjoying our time together and our stage time together more than ever. It’s probably related to the stuff we talked about earlier. We know how to take care of ourselves and of the chemistry of the band so that we can feel really, really good when we hit the stage. I really hope that we can still do this for a few more years, a few more albums. If we can do that, I will be really happy. Even happier than I am now! I think they are simple goals but they are realistic. We are having so much fun and we still have a lot of good crowds and that’s just the best.
( https://metalwani.com/2019/03/interview-children-of-bodoms-henkka-seppala-on-hexed.html )

The interview created at march. 9-10 months ago. What happened in Russia?!

What the fuck. I talked to Henkka irl a week ago and he was like " Yea we have been talking about this a long time" and "Touring is fuckin tough when you don't like it"

Also ir according to Alexi they would habe broken up next year anyway... There's this Henkka interview and Also multiple interviews from the spring where Alexi says that touring is more fun than ever and they'll continue forever and ever.

Shit just doesn't add up. Also to me it looks like obvious bullshit that Alexi would just sell his rights to something he put his whole life into. Then to have him be the only one that comments on the split up, give some sort of a reason but then have the rest of the band take it back.

I was with the impression there was no drama but it looks like there is. Then again I have no energy for this shit now but gonna just say one thing: don't fuckin whine about 'rumours' if you do nothing to explain shit and act weird when asked about it. If you wanna hide something, make up a believable lie that is consistent instead of saying this and that and wondering why people think exactly what you said earlier. Same goes for the "Alexi's Health Discussion". You got what u ordered. People talk. You are a celebrity.
So it’s settled: in theory the guys have now the power to take Children of Bodom to any direction they want and write any kind of music they want (and even take Roope back if they want and why not Janne’s brother if they want, and a singer who can do high pitch like old Bodom - boom, all done). But will they? Even if they found someone who could play the leads and sing, how would fans receive that? They would have to do something extraordinary for fans to accept it. You can’t surpass the songwriter, it’s the foundation. I understand band members have different views, but even giving too much freedom with a specific instrument can hinder the actual song flow. But this is their chance to prove this wrong, I suppose.

But yeah, even I would’ve got frustrated waiting for return to old school style etc (easy to say of course), so I do understand their decision. Maybe Alexi could’ve been more loose at this point as the music isn’t what it used to be. At least it could’ve saved the chemistry. Funny idea is there could soon be two separate Bodom bands. But I think the music is just so ’personal’ to Alexi that’s why it’s going this way. Still it’s Alexi’s songwriting that made Bodom, and that should be respected. I would never let band members mess with my music, unless for careful technical emphasis or if they happened to be equally creative. Well, let’s see who’ll be making Bodom in the future.
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From what I've understood from this post, Henkka, Janne and Jaska do not intend to stop making music alltogether. They simply wanted to have their "viewpoint" heard and Alexi wouldn't allow it, so they "fired him". So we could have Children of Bodom, trying to make Bodom music without the mastermind behind it (Though depending on who they recruit, it could actually turn out really nice), and another Bodom-related band lead by Laiho with full decisional power over the music direction.

This reminds me a bit of Rhapsody's story, where after the band split, we ended up with two different Rhapsody bands. Rhapsody of Fire and Luca Turilli's Rhapsody.

Siilly situation. But yeah, we might actually end up winning with this. Because I wouldn't mind hearing the creative ideas of Janne, Henkka and Jaska.
As I said in the other thread, Alexi is a control freak and needs to allow other members to contribute more. I bet this is why Roope was let go, because I feel like Roope was the first one to challenge Alexi. My guess that was Alexi's way of making a statement to the rest of the band, and so it took a while for this to finally boil over.

But I bet like with all breakups, money was involved too.
In a summary - what happend? I'm still in Asia and don't want to read all pages.

I was just offering my thoughts on what I think Alexi should do moving forward. We all knew Alexi controlled everything in the band it looks like with the latest statement they just put out that it was a big reason for the split.

Asia? Did you eat rat on a stick or cockroach soup? LOL, no offense to any Asians I mean to visit myself soon.. : D
Nothing’s stopping them to take Roope and maybe Antti back to do guitars and let everyone do two songs, to see if their COB album is better than Alexi’s, hire anyone they want to do vocals. Let’s see if they really have it.

I wonder if those who suggest co-operation in songwriting understand what they’re suggesting. If you intend to have any atmosphere, it very rarely works. If you want to do thrash metal then yeah sure whatever. Technical fills and stuff yeah that’s a nice idea. Songs are personal, otherwise they become soulless frankenstein songs.
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Nothing’s stopping them to take Roope and maybe Antti back to do guitars and let everyone do two songs, to see if their COB album is better than Alexi’s, hire anyone they want to do vocals. Let’s see if they really have it.

I wonder if those who suggest co-operation in songwriting understand what they’re suggesting. If you intend to have any atmosphere, it very rarely works. If you want to do thrash metal then yeah sure whatever. Technical fills and stuff yeah that’s a nice idea. Songs are personal, otherwise they become soulless frankenstein songs.

That's all well and good except Alexi hasn't produced magic since almost two decades now. At least let the other members write a song or two on their own. Anything else is worth a try IMO because if Alexi continues his musical dictatorship in COB we'll continue to be underwhelmed.
Co-writing a song is indeed very difficult due to people having different styles. If someone makes a draft of a song, and another person polishes it it can work, but actually co-writing it from the start is very difficult to make work.
That's all well and good except Alexi hasn't produced magic since almost two decades now. At least let the other members write a song or two on their own. Anything else is worth a try IMO because if Alexi continues his musical dictatorship in COB we'll continue to be underwhelmed.

That’s indeed a better idea, to let them write maybe one song each and let Alexi do five, but it didn’t happen, even if they could’ve had 2 years time each to perfect one song; of course you want unity in the feeling of the songs on an album, and the conposer should spread out his different ideas for different songs (speed, mood, etc.)
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Henkka already played a live show yesterday in Helsinki with the band Lähiöbotox, supporting Turmion Kätilöt. Btw of course those three won’t do anything with CoB. If one thing is pretty clear from that statement, that’s it.
Exactly I thought the same instantly after I read it, that it's meant something like maintaining merchandise and maybe reserve the rights to do reunion shows later on (invite back members like Alexander, Roope etc.) of course with Alexi.
The snippets sound interesting. Definitely not Bodom like, and even less "Henkka-like" when you remember that he was the one in the band listening to the most brutal bands. But I am very curious !
" Olen kiitollinen, että sain olla mukana tekemässä Something Wildia. Ja etenkin nyt, kun bändi on vanhan kokoonpanonsa osalta lopettanut toimintansa, haluan sydämeni pohjasta kiittää Alexi Laihoa, Jaska Raatikaista, Alexander Kuoppalaa, Janne Wirmania sekä Henri Seppälää kaikista niistä hienoista muistoista ja kokemuksia, joita sain kokea ja jakaa kanssanne yli 20 yhteisessä studiosessiossa sekä neljän vuoden ajan keikkareissuilla. Kiitos myös tekemästänne musiikista, jonka avulla moni on selvinnyt vaikeiden aikojen yli. "

Google translate:
" I am grateful that I got to be involved in doing Something Wildia. And especially now that the band has closed down its old lineup, I want to thank Alexi Laiho, Jaska Raatika, Alexander Kuoppala, Janne Wirman and Henri Seppälä for all the great memories and experiences I have had and shared with you in over 20 studio sessions. for a year on tour. Thanks also for the music you have made so many have survived the difficult times. "

- Anssi Kippo
