Jaska, Janne and Henkka are leaving the band!!!!!

It’s a silly name, it means nothing, and the cap D is silly. So it’s a bad idea. Plus they son’t want to play any of those songs.
I'm hoping for a semi-pro recording from Bodom. That's the least they can do and it's very cheap. One 4k camera at the back of the concert hall, and a direct recording from the mixing console. Not worth Chaos Ridden Years, but definitely something that'd make the fan abroad happy.
" One last time. A chapter called Children Of Bodom tonight at Helsinki icehall 8:15pm. "

OK so it’s over in fifteen minutes. Let’s see if there will even be any videos. So their ship has now crashed and stranded on shallow waters and it remains to be seen if Bodom will make it and conquer the storm or if their story is over. Really it’s all down to Alexi, whether he has the vitality to keep going and the creativity to write a good album. There will always be crew for them willing to tour, but to draw crowds they need to do a fine album again. I hope the new members are enthusiastic and not just ’replacements.’
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To me one thing is clear. If Alexi wants to continue COB then he can't do the same dictatorship as before. His ideas and writing have gotten stale and he needs people around him with the balls to tell him that a lot of things he's writing just isn't good enough.

Good luck ever finding a replacement for Janne, too.
To me one thing is clear. If Alexi wants to continue COB then he can't do the same dictatorship as before. His ideas and writing have gotten stale and he needs people around him with the balls to tell him that a lot of things he's writing just isn't good enough.

Good luck ever finding a replacement for Janne, too.

In a summary - what happend? I'm still in Asia and don't want to read all pages.
To me one thing is clear. If Alexi wants to continue COB then he can't do the same dictatorship as before. His ideas and writing have gotten stale and he needs people around him with the balls to tell him that a lot of things he's writing just isn't good enough.

Good luck ever finding a replacement for Janne, too.

Alexi’s problem is he can no longer sit alone in a quiet room, it’s terrifying to him (what he said when making IWC), but the only way to write epic stuff is to tap into the voice within. You can’t force out dark ideas by just playing your guitar without deep immersion. He seems to have forgotten that, and there’s nothing anyone else can do (except motivate him). Having others contribute to songwriting only creates songs with nothing memorable in them.

It gets daunting when you've set your expectations so high; you need to beat your previous work which was already great. The secret is, you can do it again, if you could do it once, and sadly your negative thinking is the only hindrance. You don't need to "crawl into a dark hole, wither and die alone", it just takes ten seconds to dive into your mind, silence your thoughts, focus on listening to the music you're supposed to create, then combine a psychological and symbolical meaning to your musical idea, and you'll hear it hum in your head. This is exactly what Alexi needs to do: to silence the thoughts of fear concerning a "blank white table" and "being alone in silence", once he silences those voices he will hear the quiet voices of deep creativity.

This is coming straight from my experience, and the fear of the "dark, quiet and lonely moment" is something I keep falling into (waiting for the right moment, among other excuses), but I'm at least aware of this... Imagine the power once you truly realize the ability is closer than you think.

Another thing I'd suggest is forget you're a guitarist, when creating songs, just think of the whole musical idea.

I'd like to have Alexi come over for one evening and we'd discover the spark for the most eerie and twisted music imaginable, diving deep with a couple bottles of wine. He needs to create the so called "new Hatebreeder."
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My friend was at the last show. It was just a typical setlist but a little heavier on HCDR and FTR than recent years:

There wasn't anything special going on. Not much stage presence and very clear there is a lot of trouble in the band. Janne and Henka didn't want to be there and just left the stage after it ended. Only Jaska was left ons stage to say san emotional goodbye to the crowd first in Finnish and then said "Im going to miss you guys so much" in English. From what I've heard it should have ended a few months ago but they forced these last few months of shows.
I had this theory right after the news came in that the guys who left have the copyright to the name but it lasts only 5 years. Why? Maybe they want to make sure they'll have at least something to live with until now they have children and families. I also think they're not out of Bodom at whole. Maybe that "5 years" means a break from touring, maybe there's coming a reunion? Alexi also said they won't create a new band or something so why needing the name? One theory was they don't want Alexi to keep going and keep him out of business at least while, maybe there's problems which he never talked about. But well, Janne said there's coming more information when the last show is over. I'm also curious how Alexi's "new" Bodom will be. We'll see!
And that's it.

Thanks for everything you've done that for a large part influenced my life.

See you guys on the other side, or wherever Alexi or the other guys bring us.
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Janne and Henka didn't want to be there and just left the stage after it ended. Only Jaska was left ons stage to say san emotional goodbye to the crowd first in Finnish and then said "Im going to miss you guys so much" in English. From what I've heard it should have ended a few months ago but they forced these last few months of shows.

I’m sorry but your friend is either stupid or blind. If anything, those two and also Jaska LOVED being on stage. Every show on this tour. That’s why btw they will also continue making music.
And no it shouldn’t have ended months ago, as there were plans for next year, things only took a bad turn in the recent Russian tour.
I’m sorry but your friend is either stupid or blind. If anything, those two and also Jaska LOVED being on stage. Every show on this tour. That’s why btw they will also continue making music.
And no it shouldn’t have ended months ago, as there were plans for next year, things only took a bad turn in the recent Russian tour.
What's happened there? Alexi said the guys have planned to quit since the beginning of the year. What did they tell eachother on the Russian tour to close it so sudden?
I’m sorry but your friend is either stupid or blind. If anything, those two and also Jaska LOVED being on stage. Every show on this tour. That’s why btw they will also continue making music.
And no it shouldn’t have ended months ago, as there were plans for next year, things only took a bad turn in the recent Russian tour.

Or perhaps he was actually at the show. Were you? Have you watched footage from it? See Jaska's good-bye speech on his own? Did you check the setlist? This wasn't a special show and a very poor send off for the final gig with this lineup. Janne did not want to be there from the bunch of videos I've seen, no enthusiasm and was in a bad mood the whole show. There was no second encore, no special requests, when the show ended everyone left the stage leaving Jaska on his own where he got very emotional. Compared to other band's final shows where they prepare something special and play for several hours with a big farewell speech this was a poor way to end.

It's sad to see Children of Bodom ending this way but there has been a lot of trouble in the Bodom camp over the years. Most of it won't become public, much like with Roope only a little is known publicly, on that note he was in town for the show as well as a bunch of other Finnish musicians for the final show. The lads taking the name and leaving was in the works for a long time.