

Sep 14, 2002
Darmstadt, Germany
I heard that Janne played with the ex-members of Helloween, who builded the band named Masterplan! I read that he leaved the band because he is so bussy with COB! The first masterplan album will be released januar!
Does anybody know anything about that! ?
Yeah, I've read that from Kaista (it's a Finnish site). If I remember correctly Janne has already recorded his stuff and is the keyboarder at least on that album..? I'm not sure about this.
Sorry about my bad English.
I heard that Janne left because the guys from Masterplan asked him to leave COB and join Masterplan as a fulltime member. This would have been the end of COB. So Janne decided to stay. I guess it was because the COB guys are his friends and he doesn't wanted to be a "normal" keyboard player in a band.
I don't know if true...
Masterplan is Roland Grapow and Uli Kusch's new band, they've been working on an album for quite a while, since they left Helloween in fact...
i'm sure it'll rule!

good thing Janne decided to stay though... anyone can start a new band but very few could replace Janne in CoB!
I finally decided to participate this UM thingie.
I just wanted to say that yes I played on Masterplan album (I actually think the album is quite good, singer is awsome) and was supposed to be a full member of the band but CoB is gonna tour so much in 2003 that it would be impossible for me to play in two bands full time so I had to quit Masterplan. So I was never quitting CoB. Right now I am negotiating about playing on Yngwies tour in December.

Welcome to madness Janne :headbang:

I hope you like it here, heh ;)
There's a lot of nice people around, so hopefully you'll enjoy it :)
Welcome Janne come kick ass and rock with us KILL THER POSERS ARRGGG... heh oops sorry about that im trying to keep him under control....