WARNING:CRABCORE. > Band I've recorded in the weekend.

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City

I've just recorded this demo for a metalcore band. They love breakdowns and such, so they can be tagged as Crabcore :lol::err: ok what wasn't funny.


1. Intro
2. Manifest
3. Red Death



-Drums are programmed, S2.0 for hats/OH/Room, my custom samples for kick and snare.
-Guitars are dual tracked (obviously they couldn't quad track when they barely dual track...) thru my usual SoloC>8505>catharsis' best impulse in the whole world >eq and shit. They used an LTD EC400 (worst guitar i've tried in ages) to the left, and an ibanez prestige idk the model, that was a lot better.
-Bass was recorded with a terrible intonated Epiphone SG bass, once again, one of the worst instruments in the planet... A saddle broke just before starting (low E string) and had to replace it with the G string saddle... well, that broomstick thru POD Farm and some eq and minor changes.
-Vocals were recorded in a room full of old furniture, boxes, curtains, and shit, with an AKG D3800 dynamic mic (yeah, I don't own a condenser one yet...) into L6 Toneport UX1. Dry recorded, all the processing is done in the DAW, not in POD Farm.

Note: They are 16-19yr old kids.:guh:

Best wishes.
Erik this is sounding awesome!! Although I'm just listening to the intro and the only thing I'd point out, but it's JUST a personal preference is the cymbal on the right has that mid twang off the attack typical in s2.0, which I don't really like, but otherwise kick ass man
Hi! Thanks for the replies:

@Joe: Thanks dude! :lol: that "crab-tastic" it's on my MSN nickname today! So awesome even the band liked the term! :D
@Sptz: Obrigado meu ;). I don't like S2.0 cymbals too much either, but that's what I've got so far!
@PostMortem1666: Thanks! That Gsnap plugin works great to tune the vocals (don't want to imagine how the raw tracks were...). I have to say I did an awesome job in the melodic vocals :lol:, you can't imagine how the raw material was!!!
@Pzx: The guitar was really dampened, no resonance, zero sustain, weak tone... Really weak guitar... The bolt-on Ibanez with it's shitty stock pickups BLEW the LTD.
@Tony: Thanks dude! :rock:
@opeth57: Thanks! Yeah, I told the drummer: "If you want we can rent a studio to record the drums and replace them later with my samples or you can save money and sound as good, but tighter if we program them" and he said "Ok, I'll send you the MIDI files and I'll go to your place to talk about cymbals, accents and drummers shit" :lol:

Cheers! :kickass:
I'm listening on headphones right now and it sounds good. The reberb tail cuts off too suddenly in Red Death. Also I hear what seems to be bad edits (no crossfades) here and there. For example on Manifest around 3:00 when there's only kick and guitars. You've done a good job on the sub drops, any info? The clean vocals sound decent to me. The snare sounds too robotic sometimes but it's not that bad.
Vocals sound fucking huge!

Well it all does, but those first vocals in the intro are like, what the fuck that's MEATY :D
pitch shifting and blending?
are you sure they didnt mean crapcore? :-p bass and guitars are meaty as fuck love it. Good job :-D you made a turd sound like god bahaha
This is yet another proof that good sound is not related to the amount of expensive gear you got, but rather the skill of the engineer.

Good job.

Edit: just seem to notice something when listening to Manifest, very minor thing but anyway. At 3:00 when only the kick and guitars play together it seems like your kick samples are not perfectly cut since some samples have this click/pop sound. Not like it matters much, but just to let you know.
Hi!! Thanks for all the replies!

I edited the vocals following the Joey Sturgis' example: quantized and tune each syllable separately.
Yeah, the kicks on manifest had that clicks cuz the gog files i was using had some bad edits when i was making them, now I erased all the bad kick samples. But that was after the deadline.

Thanks! ;)