Warning: OT!!! 02/15/2003 who went to peace manifestations?


Indomitable X'er :)
Jul 18, 2002
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Saturday 15th of February i was marching in the capital city of Italy, Rome, together with almost 3 million people for shouting a big NO TO WAR!!!
I would like to see if any of other fellow X'er went to peace manifestations around the world (i would suppose Bobby didn't hahaha :D ) since, according to CNN, the total amount of people marching for peace was around 110 millions, wow! :eek:
What can i say, good to have been into something like that, to show our politicians that we don't appreciate every decision they take without our consense!!! So thumbs up for peace, that's all i have to say about that!

P E A C E !!!

<- Pacifists marching in front of the Coliseum

<- Big flag for peace!
Note: these 2 pix are not mine, so they pertain to their legitimate owners :)
hehe no problem, I need to get out of this hole soon or my head will explode ;)

(btw it's amazing that the manifestation didn't end up on a fight :eek: every time I see one of those, hands and hairs are flying everywhere)
I went to a demonstration for peace in my hometown together with 11 000 people. It heartened me to see so many that cared, and the complete lack of opposition that dared to show up. I saw two people who were pro-war: 1)The local division of the Progress Party(a populist/libertarian party), who held up a dartboard with pictures of Saddam Hussein, and 2)A tough guy with sunglasses and biker jacket that had a poster saying "Go USA, Kill Saddam, Free Iraq". None of these were insulted or attacked, but went away themselves after a while.
I am all for peace. But things must be done and actions be taken.

Sadam is killing many of his own people every day (its a little something called genocide) and poses an enourmous threat to not only the United States but the rest of the world with all of the biological weapons he has. Also North Korea pretty much has their finger on the nuclear button.

Should we wait for them to kill us first? Should we go on letting innocent people die?

This war is not about oil as many people think. We get most of our oil from West Africa, not from the middle east.

I am also willing to say that if there is war, and I am drafted, I will serve my country PROUDLY.
Originally posted by Soul of Ice
I am all for peace. But things must be done and actions be taken.

Sadam is killing many of his own people every day (its a little something called genocide) and poses an enourmous threat to not only the United States but the rest of the world with all of the biological weapons he has. Also North Korea pretty much has their finger on the nuclear button.

Should we wait for them to kill us first? Should we go on letting innocent people die?

This war is not about oil as many people think. We get most of our oil from West Africa, not from the middle east.

I am also willing to say that if there is war, and I am drafted, I will serve my country PROUDLY.

That took balls - to say what you said in a forum dominated by people with decidely different views than yourself. I agree with every word you wrote. You also used a great deal of tact. Something that I have not really been able to apply here.

It is very frustrating when people refuse to see the obvious; reject any other view but their own. I can TOTALLY understand the want and need for peace. I have not acknowledged it due to the fact that everyone who has posted against my views - refuses to see any validity on my side of the coin.

I absolutely believe in walking away from a possible confrontation. A insult, a shove, ect. But on 9/11 we were knocked down - bloody - with the smell of death hanging over are collective heads. A man walks away, but never runs. And in this instance we CANNOT run away. If 9/11 didn't happen I would not be supporting this as fully as I am. 3000 people died - just because they got out of their beds and went to work.

These people hate us, hate our freedom, hate our free society. I live in a new subdivison. In it we have Whites, Blacks, Indians, Africans, Hispanics, Muslims - Everybody gets along. Nothing but mutual respect. THIS DOES NOT EXIST WITH THESE PEOPLE WHO FLY PLANES INTO HIGHRISES. For me its cut and dry. We have to be preemptive. We don't have a choice. I wish we did.

I'm sure you don't need/want my support Ice. But, God bless you. I pray there will be no need for a draft, but if there is - I'll have your back.
Yes, let Saddam alone! Who are we to judge him for his genocide, mutilation of female genitalia, or any of his other hobbies?
If we leave him alone, there will be peace! Right? (Just ask the Kurds as they Rest In Peace.)
That's what old Nevil Chamberlain would say, anyway. "This piece of paper gives us peace." Oops!
But then, maybe the people out there supporting Saddam in those funny "peace" marches don't think Hitler was such a bad fellow. Hey, Nazis were, in name at least, National Socialists, right? And so the totalitarian left continues the campaign even today, this time pitching that imbecilic "No blood for oil!" spin to people with the intelligence of eight-year olds.

And it's always the same old thing. "Yankee go home! But leave your money and your technology here!"

I say we just stay home and let the rest of the world rot, like they should have a long time ago. No more bailing out a bunch of whiney unbathed cowards. Pay for your own AIDS epidemics. Pay for your own natural disasters. If you ever pull your heads out of your butts and want to actually experience liberty, then die for it yourselves, like my relatives did, for us and for your countries. (We should have let Germany keep France, though. If the French were so willing to give it away, who are we to make them take it back?)
you still really on the rest of the world for oil, natural resources, and intelligent people.

look at all America's major scientist, researches and even college proffessors and check out how many were educated and born elsewhere.

fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.

Originally posted by azal
you still really on the rest of the world for oil, natural resources, and intelligent people.

look at all America's major scientist, researches and even college proffessors and check out how many were educated and born elsewhere.

fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.

Um? to answer your first paragraph, BUllshit.

To answer your second paragraph, answer me this?
Why are all these scientists, researches and professors HERE in the U.S. If America sucks so bad then why are they here instead of their native country?
Really, you people are amazing!!! :lol: One asks who went to peace manifestations and all goes shit about Saddam is a criminal, he and his arabian friends stroke the towers (???) America the land of free... there really is no hope for peace in the world if even a forum is in this condition, with people unable to listen to each other and all throwing discutible notions and tv-based knowledge to each other... but hey, i would have known!!! It represents in the little what in a major scale is happening in the world nowadays... so go on freely, why not. Discussion is the salt of life, of course if it doesn't degenerate on insults, but i'm sure u all are decent people isn't it??? ;)

On the other hand, i hate when reality is mystificated. Saddam IS a criminal and as i said a zillion times he must be judged in front of a court for his crimes against humanity, put in jail and have the key thrown away.
But do you really BELIEVE (and with the word believe i mean: have faith, with neither 0.1% of doubt) that throwing "intelligent" bombs from a plane 10.000metres high on iraqui's heads will solve their situation??? How many lives will have to pay the mistakes of a dictator? THey are already suffering because of Saddam, don't you think it would be more appropriate try to destitute him without bombing iraq??? I'm sure the big thinking brains there at CIA would have multiple chances of capturing Saddam with some intelligence actions, more than destroying cities, schools, hospitals, houses: because when bombs fall, intelligent or not, this is what will happen no matter what, like in Afghanistan where civilians paid a high price (ok, now you will say that today they are in a better situation than they were with talebans: i agree, but this doesn't justify throwing bombs on hospitals, if you can go down yourself with a shotgun and target with more accuracy the "bad guys" from the poor ones and shoot them between the eyes... but of course, a bomb is more practical, it takes less risk -for who's on the plane stroking a button- and is incredibly faster!!! Then again, they're all desperados, pity if some civilian dies for the cause of freedom!!!)

Do you really believe all the crap they say on tv? Saddam in every case wouldn't have a chance! Do you really believe that Mullah Omar and Bin Laden (the first blind of an eye, the second almost couldn't walk) escaped in motorbike up in the Afghan mountains??? C'mon!!! :D ahahaha!!! With satellite nowadays they can count how many hairs you have in the butt, and a blind guy and a lame one could make it rallying in a wasteland without a single tree to hide under?!?!? :D you guys are incredible, really!!!

Note that i'm not making any kind of arguement commie vs right-wing, i'm tired as well of this political crap: all i ask you is a thought on the PRACTICAL side of things: reason a minute about what i was telling you and then tell me if bombing is a good way to solve the problem (leaving outside for a moment what could be the supposed or real reason for making a war in iraq and not in some other countries which own nuclear arsenals and biological ones, but are american allieds...)
Originally posted by Knight_
On the other hand, i hate when reality is mystificated. Saddam IS a criminal and as i said a zillion times he must be judged in front of a court for his crimes against humanity, put in jail and have the key thrown away.
But do you really BELIEVE (and with the word believe i mean: have faith, with neither 0.1% of doubt) that throwing "intelligent" bombs from a plane 10.000metres high on iraqui's heads will solve their situation??? How many lives will have to pay the mistakes of a dictator? THey are already suffering because of Saddam, don't you think it would be more appropriate try to destitute him without bombing iraq??? I'm sure the big thinking brains there at CIA would have multiple chances of capturing Saddam with some intelligence actions, more than destroying cities, schools, hospitals, houses: because when bombs fall, intelligent or not, this is what will happen no matter what, like in Afghanistan where civilians paid a high price (ok, now you will say that today they are in a better situation than they were with talebans: i agree, but this doesn't justify throwing bombs on hospitals, if you can go down yourself with a shotgun and target with more accuracy the "bad guys" from the poor ones and shoot them between the eyes... but of course, a bomb is more practical, it takes less risk -for who's on the plane stroking a button- and is incredibly faster!!! Then again, they're all desperados, pity if some civilian dies for the cause of freedom!!!)

Do you really believe all the crap they say on tv? Saddam in every case wouldn't have a chance! Do you really believe that Mullah Omar and Bin Laden (the first blind of an eye, the second almost couldn't walk) escaped in motorbike up in the Afghan mountains??? C'mon!!! :D ahahaha!!! With satellite nowadays they can count how many hairs you have in the butt, and a blind guy and a lame one could make it rallying in a wasteland without a single tree to hide under?!?!? :D you guys are incredible, really!!!

Note that i'm not making any kind of arguement commie vs right-wing, i'm tired as well of this political crap: all i ask you is a thought on the PRACTICAL side of things: reason a minute about what i was telling you and then tell me if bombing is a good way to solve the problem (leaving outside for a moment what could be the supposed or real reason for making a war in iraq and not in some other countries which own nuclear arsenals and biological ones, but are american allieds...)

One of the best replies on this thread (IMO) so far. People think that the way to solve the problem is to bomb the shit out of Iraq. If you ask me, the ones that should kick the shit out of Saddam are the Iraq civilians. No matter how powerful the US is, they souldn't act as the police of the world.

Why are all these scientists, researches and professors HERE in the U.S. If America sucks so bad then why are they here instead of their native country?

*Hint* Money *Hint* oh btw I don't think anyone said that the US sucks. It's well known that a lot of the great scientists in the US are from other countries. The US is a country of a lot of different nationalities, that's why they are the most powerful force right now, if you ask me.

Oh btw, I don't want to get into this argument. I'm only giving out some points so people can do some research and make their own opinions.
Originally posted by icedsymphony
Um? to answer your first paragraph, BUllshit.

To answer your second paragraph, answer me this?
Why are all these scientists, researches and professors HERE in the U.S. If America sucks so bad then why are they here instead of their native country?

Originally posted by Knight_
Really, you people are amazing!!! :lol: One asks who went to peace manifestations and all goes shit about Saddam is a criminal, he and his arabian friends stroke the towers (???) America the land of free... there really is no hope for peace in the world if even a forum is in this condition, with people unable to listen to each other and all throwing discutible notions and tv-based knowledge to each other...

You are very right. And I italicized a portion for further imphasis. Think people. Think before you speak.
Oh ok. I thought all these great professionals and scientists came here for their love of humanity and general good will to all people all over the world. You guys say it's for the money though, hmm im perplexed now. I just figured they came to the U.S. to have the right to do whatever the fuck they want to, without having some murderous dictator breathing down their necks. Naaaaaa your right it's for the dough. Goddamn us americans for rewarding greatness and the elite among us, and im not talking about Britney Spears.