Warning to bodybuilders...


Oct 10, 2009
Don't know how true this is , could just be total BS to panic people like West Nile and shit.


They say that a shitload of "heavy metal":headbang: is found in over 15 major protein brands (as well as arsenic and mercury and lead?!). I drink 3 shakes a day usually , and I know a few on this board do , so I just wanted to warn you guys if this is true. What do you guys think?
Why not fill your diet with poultry and red meat? If you're worried about Fat then why not go for Lentils? Don't mind the carbs in those Lentils, though. All that workout would probably burn em up. Am I right?
Yeah i used to use protein powders but that was out of sheer laziness. Any body builder that is serious about their health will stick to natural sources of protein. Lean chicken, fish, pork and some beef. I make milk shakes with fruit, milk and fresh egg whites, can't go wrong.
It's just hard to stomach that much food in one day really, which is partly the reason why people take supplements, like meal replacements.
This is especially true for guys like me who are hard gainers and naturally fairly skinny. There's no way I can eat 7-8 solid meals a day, I'd just throw up, so I need meal replacement supplements to ensure I can still put on muscle mass.
And if indeed there is heavy metal content in the products, guess it's time for chelation therapy, heh.
If you are really worried, you can always go to your local laboratory and order them to analyze a sample.

It should cost about 50 bucks max.
Yeah i used to use protein powders but that was out of sheer laziness. Any body builder that is serious about their health will stick to natural sources of protein. Lean chicken, fish, pork and some beef. I make milk shakes with fruit, milk and fresh egg whites, can't go wrong.

when you say fresh does that mean that you have a hen house?
Before I got Lyme's I was drinking protein shakes after every workout to immediately start the protein flow to the torn muscles. After that it was just loading down on meats and carbs. That's just crazy though with having that much metal in the powder.
Yeah i used to use protein powders but that was out of sheer laziness. Any body builder that is serious about their health will stick to natural sources of protein. Lean chicken, fish, pork and some beef. I make milk shakes with fruit, milk and fresh egg whites, can't go wrong.

Not really. Powder is key for people like myslef that can't drink milk.
So suck it.

I drink protein shakes and I will continue. Just don't drink 17 of them a day and you're fine.
Not really. Powder is key for people like myslef that can't drink milk.
So suck it.

I drink protein shakes and I will continue. Just don't drink 17 of them a day and you're fine.

Yeah this is how I feel. I never have more than 3 a day. And like someone else said , I would never be able to chew down like 100 pounds of chicken and fish a day, so I need the powder.
My Mom is a subscriber to Consumer Reports (the company that did the study), so I just logged in and read the article; here are some notable quotes:

The amount of lead in a single daily serving of eight of the protein supplements we tested would require that the products carry a warning in California. State legislation known as Proposition 65 mandates that manufacturers notify consumers when products contain toxic substances at levels the state says pose even a low cancer or reproductive risk.

But federal regulations do not generally require that protein drinks and other dietary supplements be tested before they are sold to ensure that they are safe, effective, and free of contaminants, as the rules require of prescription drugs.

"Most consumers and even many doctors don't realize that in this country we're left to simply trust the manufacturer to decide what level of quality and safety they'll provide," says Pieter Cohen, an internist at Cambridge Health Alliance and author of a recent New England Journal of Medicine article on contaminants in dietary supplements.

We found that three daily servings of the ready-to-drink liquid EAS Myoplex Original Rich Dark Chocolate Shake provides an average of 16.9 micrograms (µg) of arsenic, exceeding the proposed USP limit of 15 µg per day, and an average of 5.1 µg of cadmium, which is just above the USP limit of 5 µg per day. Concentrations in most products were relatively low, but when taking into account the large serving size suggested, the number of micrograms per day for a few of the products was high compared with most others tested.

The samples of Muscle Milk Chocolate powder we tested contained all four heavy metals, and levels of three metals in the product were among the highest of all in our tests. Average cadmium levels of 5.6 µg in three daily servings slightly exceeded the USP limit of 5 µg per day, and the average lead level of 13.5 µg also topped the USP limit of 10 µg per day. The average arsenic level of 12.2 µg was approaching the USP limit of 15 µg per day, and the average for mercury was 0.7 µg, well below the USP's 15 µg-per-day limit. Three daily servings of Muscle Milk Vanilla Crème contained 12.2 µg of lead, exceeding lead limits, and 11.2 µg of arsenic. A fourth product, Muscle Milk Nutritional Shake Chocolate (liquid), provided an average of 14.3 µg of arsenic per day from three servings, approaching the proposed USP limit.


FWIW, I only drink protein shakes (well, weight gainers atm) post-workout, and I only work out 3 times a day, so I think I'm good - still pretty freaky though
My Mom is a subscriber to Consumer Reports (the company that did the study), so I just logged in and read the article; here are some notable quotes:]

FWIW, I only drink protein shakes (well, weight gainers atm) post-workout, and I only work out 3 times a day, so I think I'm good - still pretty freaky though

You workout 3 times a day????

Hhahaha I know what you mean.

I drink prolly three a day. I'm not worried. I don't drink any of those brands, not that it matters as I'm sure other brands fair the same. There's all sorts of questionable shit in the food we all eat anyway.
when you say fresh does that mean that you have a hen house?

No but i know a guy.

Not really. Powder is key for people like myslef that can't drink milk.
So suck it.

So you don't have access to lactose free milk? I'm lactose intolerant and either soy milk or lactose free milk do the job perfectly. And i can understand why you're touchy, it's all the rubbish in the supplements you are taking, bit of 'roid rage hey?