Dude take a picture of yourself doing exactly that. RIGHT NOW.

Dude gimme a fuckin' break man. I said I'm working on it! You see the style he's exuding in that picture? There's NO WAY I can replicate that in a fucking cubicle in an office building with fluorescent lighting! I'm hoping to have it down by the time the show comes around. If I feel I've got it down good enoughand I'm paying worthy homage to Freddie, I will do it at the show while Warrel's on stage, but I WILL NOT disgrace Freddie Merc by doing some half assed shit attempt at being a copycat in a cubicle!!!
Warrel, you rock. I'm tryin' my best to get down there for it, it'd be awesome to see ya dish out your solo stuff live.
i had to give my tickets away my 4 year old nephew is in the hospitle with teminal cancer and he keeps asking for me to be there with him
doc's not giving him long so i need to be there.I would love to go but little nick needs me more then warrel

Would Nick be able to attend with his uncle? If so, I'd like to cover both of you r tickets and ride to/from the hospital. I have a carseat :)
...can't think of any better medicine than music and getting out of a hospital room.
I'm definitely gonna take lots of pics and make some videos. The club is pretty small, so I should get some good shots even with my fairly cheap camera.. lol :rock:

Woot! I can't wait to see 'em.
I'm really interested to see what Nevermore will sound like without Nevermore. :p
i had to give my tickets away my 4 year old nephew is in the hospitle with teminal cancer and he keeps asking for me to be there with him
doc's not giving him long so i need to be there.I would love to go but little nick needs me more then warrel

I missed this...4 years old? That's awful.
It's good that you're there with him..if somebody films the show, maybe you could watch it together in the hospital afterward? I bet he'd love that.

Take care, you two...You're in my thoughts