Warrel, my guess on 42147

Trapped and I held him, whilst all the time NARROT beat the hell out of him...........He broke eventually, he told us all we needed to know.

BUt do not ask us,,we will not tell you
42147 - Best song on the planet, and something to do with when (its a date) Leary discovered the effects LSD while riding a bike.

It truly is the best song there ever was in my opinion. I even gave Jeff a picture of him that I took at a roller rink (some place in New Jersey on the In Flames tour) with 42147 written all over the back as a subtle hint. I bet he threw it out, but either way, Curran found it completely amusing.
UFO (unidentified FALLING object :) ), crashed in 1947 at Missouri

In july.


Not quite... But it was a nice try. :)
actually, the Roswell crash was in July

Hypocrisy did a cool song about that.. heh

uhhh. maybe the aliens brought the LSD to Earth ;)