Warrior new album.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
"The Wars Of Gods And Men" just hit the market. Marc Storace (Krokus) on vocals and of course still the brainchild of Joe Floyd.
I have all Warrior albums, and I like all, especially "Ancient Future" (I'm not to fond of Rob Rock voice, so "The Code Of Life" doesn't grab me that hard).
I have read that this album retain the classic Warrior while incorporate a "new modern sound". Shit! that sentence scares me to death, it always smells like a mallcore ad. And with all due respect after the huge dissapointment with Dream Theater "Train Of Thought", I don't buy anymore albums without some info in advance even from bands I like.

Has anyone heard this album yet and/or know ehere to find MP3s of the same to check by myself?
Fangface said:
I've heard a MP3 but I'm not that enthusiasmed... Rob Rock was a more suitable vocalist IMO.

Thanks for the link Fang. I'll check it immediately. I also saw today the AStral Doors album but was too expensive, I'll order it online. ;)

@ Sixx: Thanks for the recommendation, I'll look upon your review, meanwhile I'll check the MP3.
sixxswine said:
Thanks for the review. I'm glad that Dave Ducey still on the band. The MP3 of Salvation didn't grab me much. Storace voice (like you pointed) is not was it used to be, and I did detect a mallcore vibe in the song, not much but it was kind of "uncomfortable". Are the rest of the songs more in a classic vein or in the same one?

Lately I'm being so paranoid, that if a song don't get me from the start i tend to doubt a lot before purchasing an album.
Wyvern said:
Thanks for the review. I'm glad that Dave Ducey still on the band. The MP3 of Salvation didn't grab me much. Storace voice (like you pointed) is not was it used to be, and I did detect a mallcore vibe in the song, not much but it was kind of "uncomfortable". Are the rest of the songs more in a classic vein or in the same one?
Lately I'm being so paranoid, that if a song don't get me from the start i tend to doubt a lot before purchasing an album.
Yeah I'm also pessimistic about this new album :erk:
You'd better get the new Astral Doors and Wuthering Heights releases first ;)
Fangface said:
Yeah I'm also pessimistic about this new album :erk:
You'd better get the new Astral Doors and Wuthering Heights releases first ;)
Astral Doors is a sure thing, I didn't bought it at Tower Records because was too expensive, I'm looking for it online.