WARRIOR reforms with original vocalist / guitarist to record


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
The Los Angeles, California based 80’s classic heavy metal band WARRIOR announce their reunion with original vocalist Parramore McCarty and guitarist Joe Floyd.

The complete 2008 reunion WARRIOR line-up is the following:

Parramore McCarty (Vocals)
Joe Floyd (Guitars)
AC Alexander (Guitars)
Rob Farr (Bass)
Dave DuCey (Drums)

WARRIOR are currently recording their upcoming brand new 5th cd at SILVERCLOUD Studios with guitarist Joe Floyd behind the controls.

WARRIOR band members have expressed the following thoughts about the reunion, upcoming new cd and live shows:

(Vocalist Parramore McCarty)

I, for one, am very excited to have WARRIOR back in motion. It is great fun and challenging to be writing and recording with Joe and Dave again! At this point, we have a few rhythm tracks done and they are kicking my ass hard! I know in my heart there is a certain magic that shines through anytime Joe and I work together. So get ready all you metal freaks, because here we come!

(Guitarist Joe Floyd)

I'm stoked to be hitting the stage with Perry again and the band lineup is killer! The response from the fans has already been overwhelming. There is no stopping this train."

(Guitarist AC Alexander)

Warrior is an unmistakable sound and an undeniable band. Listen to the records...You can hear the magic unfold in the working / writing relationship between Joe and Parramore...To watch it unfold right before my eyes in the studio is incredible. I am privileged to be a part of this legendary force in rock.

(Bassist Rob Farr)

The energy and vibe between the new line-up is strong. It's an honor to play bass in this legendary metal band. I can't wait to bring the songs of past, present, and future to the people. Get ready for the onslaught!"

(Drummer Dave Ducey)

I am so pleased to see this classic metal band back on track! Being a member of WARRIOR since 1995, and drumming on the last three releases, I can't wait for the band to unleash its new Fury!. The Sleeping Giant Has Awoken.

This is great news for me, I love Parramore's vocals :headbang: