Was Anders Friden (In Flames) productor of MAYH?

Off topic.

Mikael i'm trying not be all wow and that but it is pretty sweet being able to talk directly to you. There aren't a lot of bands where you get do that.

I'd say all the "Wow you're God, you're my favourite band in the world" stuff but no doubt you get it all the time.

Oh well i just did it there anyway.


Personally i think it's great that all the bands from the same scene do help each other out and work on each others albums and stuff. It's horrible having insular bands who are all competitive.

I had no idea Opeth were friends with Arch Enemy until Mikael to,ld us so at the Leeds gigs earlier this year. I was the guy about one row from the front, short hair, slight beard.

*desepertaly tries not to come across as too pathetic.*
well, mike, if you happen to read this, i would like to apologize for the pathetic audience that was at the Saratoga Winners show this past november in Latham NY. i was trying my best to be energetic, but the rest of the lame crowd really sucked despite your incredible performance.
No I'm pretty sure he didn't produce but he did lead vocals and DJing.