Washburn Nick Catanese


Pro Evolution Fucker
Apr 18, 2006
Basque Country
Last week I was on holidays in NY and I bought a Washburn Nick Catanese KOREAN guitar for 835$ (592 €) with EMG81/85. I thought it was a great buying, but now I've seen that you can buy it in Europe for 900 €. So the difference is not so big.
Do you know this guitar?
Do you think I paid too much?

By the way, it sounds awesome.
Wait, you don't think there's a big difference between 592 and 900 Euros? Damn dude, you're picky about your deals
Wait, you don't think there's a big difference between 592 and 900 Euros? Damn dude, you're picky about your deals

I was told that difference between EU guitars and US guitars was even 1/3. That's all.
The guy from the store gave me a false invoice for the custom duties (expenses¿?), otherwise, If I had to pay those duties the difference would have been insignificant.
Anyone knows how to mark frets?

This guitar has no marks (signs), except from some small at the side of the neck.
When I checked it on the guitar shop I did'nt notice at all the lack of marks, but yesterday rehearsing I was confused. No problem with rythm guitars, but soloing was terrible!!
The ones on the side of the neck are all you should really be using, anyways. I've been using those for the longest time, and am absolutely baffled that people go by the dots on the fretboard. You CANNOT see those on stage, and you really shouldn't be looking down at the fretboard for that long a time when playing live, anyways.
The ones on the side of the neck are all you should really be using, anyways. I've been using those for the longest time, and am absolutely baffled that people go by the dots on the fretboard. You CANNOT see those on stage, and you really shouldn't be looking down at the fretboard for that long a time when playing live, anyways.

Sometimes it helps to take a look to the frets.
I thought it was not important but now i've realized it is more than i had expected. Perhaps I get used in some weeks.