WASP @ The Pearl Room March 2nd


A Slave who forever Rocks

I have no idea if anyone shares my immense enthusiasm in this, but who all is going to see WASP at the Pearl Room March 2nd?

Apparently they are doing the entire production of the Crimson Idol...:headbang:

Taken from http://www.waspnation.com/waspnation.htm:

The Crimson Idol Event will be performed every night in each of the
cities in the Tour Schedule. After the Crimson Idol has been performed the band will take a 10 minute intermission and return to perform all the great
W.A.S.P. classics you know and love.

I’m curious to see the new lineup. Last I saw them was two years ago when Darrell Roberts *drools* and Stet Howland were still in the band.

Should be a great show nonetheless.

**Let the plethora of Blackie Lawless insults commence.....
This will be canceled!

In with the Love!

I've never had the unfortunate experience of Blackie cancelling a gig on me...
**knocks on Jose's Rickenbacker**
...but I hope you are wrong.
Although, I agree, Blackie does have a bad streak with canceling shows.

As for the codpiece...
That would be cool as hell if he wore that again, but I think it has since been retired.
The first couple WASP albums were great.

Blackie has canceled shows on every tour he has done in the past 10 years. I am not trying to be hateful at all, just presenting the facts.
In with the Love!

I've never had the unfortunate experience of Blackie cancelling a gig on me...
**knocks on Jose's Rickenbacker**
...but I hope you are wrong.
Although, I agree, Blackie does have a bad streak with canceling shows.

As for the codpiece...
That would be cool as hell if he wore that again, but I think it has since been retired.

Heh, W.A.S.P. That's cool.

Last time I saw them was in the 90s (at The Vic), and my first W.A.S.P. show was in the mid-eighties...probably when you were just out of diapers. :p

It's good to know you're into some of the older groups. Rock on! :)
I've never heard WASP

Never fear...I shall convert you.

Blackie has canceled shows on every tour he has done in the past 10 years. I am not trying to be hateful at all, just presenting the facts.

I do not disagree with you at all....you are totally correct and it sucks.
It's ridiculous and ignorant of Blackie to do such shit, but whatever.
The guy does have some interesting things to say.
Heh, W.A.S.P. That's cool.

Last time I saw them was in the 90s (at The Vic), and my first W.A.S.P. show was in the mid-eighties...probably when you were just out of diapers. :p

It's good to know you're into some of the older groups. Rock on! :)

Ha Ha! That's awesome!
Yeah, I actually first got into WASP when I was 11. That's when the whole Seattle Grunge shit started to arise and I wanted to find something new and different to listen to.
So instead of being force-fed the Top 40 over-commercialized bullshit, I decided to rumage through my Dad's vinal and cassette tapes <-- yikes.
I found the Crimson Idol amongst all the other albums and instantly loved it.
So I can thank my Dad for indirectly intriducing me to WASP.
This will be canceled!

You beat me too it, I'm not even bothering because the last few WASP shows I did attempt to go to all got canceled (although one was a result of Sept 11th, at least that's the excuse that was used since the show was several weeks later).

His new band isn't anywhere near the standard it was when he recorded Crimson Idol and the fact that I hear he's not even singing live anymore just kills it for me. I love this record and refuse to see it get slaughtered by subpar musicians and piped in vocals. Blackie needs to get his head out of his ass.....
I'm pretty pissed that this show is at a 21+ venue in SLC... ridiculous. Granted, I may be able to weasel my way in, but still, fuck this place and its "every half decent metal band plays at a 21+ club" bullshit. Spend way too much money on bribing door men, or way too much time trying to find the people I have connections with so I can get in.
Are you serious about the lip sync thing? That can't really be true can it?
I don't know it is a fact, but I've been hearing about it on various forums and stuff. There have been some long running rumors of this in reagards to Blackie, and I have heard some that have seen this tour say that they don't think it's Blackie singing live. I guess I'll find out when I attend this show ... I'll surely be looking for it.

A lot of magic goes on in metal when it comes to the soundboard, and engineering ... I wouldn't be suprised if it winds up being true.

Anyone have any idea if any other bands are on the bill for Sunday?

That's one thing I don't like about the Pearl Room.
They aren't very good at announcing the complete lineup in advance.
Anyone have any idea if any other bands are on the bill for Sunday?

That's one thing I don't like about the Pearl Room.
They aren't very good at announcing the complete lineup in advance.

My incredibly awesome Polka WASP cover band.
I just learned "Animal F*ck Like a Beast" on my accordian.
We're gonna rawk!


No idea....I'll ask around.
Are you serious about the lip sync thing? That can't really be true can it?

We opened for them a couple of years ago in Atlanta and during sound check there was DEFINITELY - UNEQUIVICALLY a check for pre-recorded backing vocals. My impression was that they were used to enhance choruses or for a more "group chorus" dynamic. When we saw them I would NOT say that Blackie was lip syncing at all, but there were pre-recorded vocals used...just as many other bands use them.
We opened for them a couple of years ago in Atlanta and during sound check there was DEFINITELY - UNEQUIVICALLY a check for pre-recorded backing vocals. My impression was that they were used to enhance choruses or for a more "group chorus" dynamic. When we saw them I would NOT say that Blackie was lip syncing at all, but there were pre-recorded vocals used...just as many other bands use them.

Thats what I read about- a backing track being used. Thats not the same as lip syncing. It's used for harmonizing, and just like you said, enhancing choruses. WASP has a ton of vocal layers in their music. If he did lip sync for the Idol tracks, I can't say I'd be all that surprised. The voice naturally deepens in pitch with age, and I'd be really surprised if he could hit the high notes that he hit on the Crimson Idol now. Those aren't falsetto vocals. Those are fucking wails. Man, I wish I could make this show. That record is incredible.

To whomever goes, rock out for me!! :headbang: