Wastefall back in stock at The Laser's Edge


Jul 30, 2004
New Jersey
I just wanted to let everyone know that we just got our restock shipment in from Greece. Both Wastefall titles: Soulrain 21, as well as Fallen Stars And Rising Scars, as well as both Fragile Vastness titles are now in stock.

They can be ordered at www.lasercd.com
ashaman7122 said:
Don't know about Fragile Vastness...care to illuminate?

Rock on!
Fragile Vastness is anothe super Progressive band from Greece, and let me tell you they are awesome. They have been around for a few years and are all quite accomplished musicians, especially the bass player. They are very tight, kinda jazzey at times but with a heavy progressive overture when they do go jazzey. They remind me a lot of ORPHANED LAND with the death vocals. They put on a hell of a show, again i saw them in Greece when i was over there on business. It is a must buy CD especially for fans of PANTOMMIND, CLOUDSCAPE, ORPHANED LAND.
Pyramaze51 said:
Fragile Vastness is anothe super Progressive band from Greece, and let me tell you they are awesome.
It is a must buy CD especially for fans of PANTOMMIND, CLOUDSCAPE, ORPHANED LAND.

Thanks for the recomendation,I'll check them out.:wave: