Watain - Sworn to the Dark


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Watain – Sworn to the Dark
The Ajna Offensive – flame42 – February 19, 2007
By Jason Jordan


Coming off a four-year silence, Sweden’s Watain have returned with their powerful third full-length Sworn to the Dark. Unsurprisingly, SttD shares traits with the output of other Ajna Offensive signings Antaeus, Deathspell Omega, and Funeral Mist, but also brings to mind fellow Swedes Dissection. Again, that’s understandable because many of these groups share members so that influences can’t help but bleed into one another, though arguably, out of all the bands listed above, Watain may be the most variable in their BM approach.

The word on the street, or on the Internet rather, is that Sworn to the Dark is boring, and while it has its lowlights and also demands at least some concentrated listening, it’s far from bad. As a matter of opinion, the highlights are excellent. The fury of DsO-like ‘Legions of the Black Light’ is surely a riff-tastic song, while Immortal/Dissection-esque follower ‘Satan’s Hunger’ is rhythmically unmatched by anything else the trio bring to the table. What sucks, though, is that even as early as the second track, it becomes increasingly difficult to remain fully attentive, and the one-minute instrumental ‘Withershins’ only exacerbates the problem. So by the time you reach ‘Storm of the Light’s Ban…er, Antichrist’ you’re hoping for more than the blasting that occurs, despite its viciousness. The groove-heavy ‘The Light That Burns the Sun’ comes across well, as does the slightly overdone title track, which resembles present-day Satyricon due to repetition in the lyrical department. Watain are at their peak when they slow it down like on the epic ‘The Serpent’s Chalice.’ The inclusion of second instrumental ‘Dead but Dreaming’ isn’t needed, however, since the disc, at 58 minutes, is so long in the first place. Still, ‘Stellarvore’ closes the album in true climactic fashion.

When they’re at their slowest, Mortuus best them. When they’re at their fastest, Antaeus beat them. Watain are most enjoyable when traversing the middle ground, and Sworn to the Dark features enough of that to receive a thumbs up from me. Aside from its flaws, Sworn is a solid BM record that is neither the best nor worst that The Ajna Offensive holds within its fold.

Official Watain Website
Official The Ajna Offensive Website
I agree with what's been said. Not a bad album at all, and I stll haven't given it many intense listens yet. The mix on the album, I believe, is their strongest yet. All instruments are heard easily without a sterile production.

Watain have shown that they can play their instruments well and this album afirms that. I'm very impressed with the bass lines on the album, but I feel that the guitar riffs, while good, could have been constructed better. The drums on the other hand really have shown an improvement from the last album. Regardless of it's faults this is a fine album. A fine review of the album as well.
Actually, I think this disc is better than the review might lead one to believe. While it is fair to say the style and sound is, shall I say "familiar" for the most part, what in this genre is not? What's more, the familiarity is delivered with enough conviction that they have carved out a sound that is unique enough in an overcrowded field.
Also, I think the Dissection comparisons that invariably accompany any Watain discussion are perhaps a bit misplaced on this new one. Certainly that reference true on the earlier efforts - but I honestly don't hear quite as much Dissection here, though it is there in mant respects.
Altogether, I found this to be one of the better releases from the more established BM acts out there in a while. I second what George has noted above about the strong production and improved drumming! A solid effort to be sure!!
this new Watain is the best damn blackmetal album so far this year.
i doubt that there will be any blackmetal albums this year that will
top this one.i dont think it sounds like dissection, like people around here says it does.its just another step in the evolution of watain.